
This comment, and many others like it, is a perfect example of the point I’m making. “No,” says the wised-up internet user, “they’re not asking him to take a pay cut; they just want to pay him about half what he’s owed this year. He can earn the rest by playing another year, and working twice as long for the same

I think it’s hilarious that you are sad for an 84 year old white man, because his legacy is being tarnished, when the whole point is that women don’t get a legacy at all, and are essentially dead to the world even while they are alive.

Or the old “why don’t I hold those for you” line. Not slick sales people, not slick at all.

Buddy, whatever else I might be, one thing I absolutely am not is “well-credentialed.”

Exactly. The double standard thing is such a strawman. Firstly, men don’t get routinely catcalled so that they must change their route to and from work, worry about what they’re wearing, and are nervous to walk past men on the street. Secondly, there are no women advocating the catcalling of men and telling men it’s a

Maybe she’s so secretive because she’s a woman and heard of the internet?

This is on Jezebel because there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.

Lol, uh, no?

Um, really? You’d think that drug addicts would be happy as long as they just had social tolerance and access to their drugs? If that’s the case, why in God’s name should anyone frown on drug addiction?

That doesn’t justify emotional abuse, which is what this is.

Every time a member at my church goes in for surgery or a medical treatment, the first thing we do is pray for the hands of the doctor, nurses and medical staff. Miracles are worked through their hands, denying the miraculousness of modern medicine is ludacris.

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

Uh, did you actually watch Good Hair?

Or at the very least, Spider-Man.

this story is disgusting, but so is your joke.

If dude could bench 600, he could have picked her up in her desk and carried the whole thing out.

I love how white men that claim to live in fear of ‘government tyranny’ and believe that it is righteous to rebel against it are the first ones to insist that all black people should strictly obey every police officer like a submissive dog.

Of course he was able to harass for such a long time; the light warning can take thousands of years to reach the earth.

When is the last time a women’s sport was covered with the depth and interest that even shitty men’s teams get?

My apologies in advance for the long backstory, but it is necessary to fully understand the horrible-ness of the situation. I live in a tiny apartment in New York with my wife and son, which, ever since our son has gotten the ability to walk and talk and whatnot already made sex a fairly covert affair (the window of