
My theory: Dany gets to the mainland. Cersei and Jamie wind up dead. In comes Tyrion as next in line to the Iron Throne, and House Lannister. Dany and Tyrion get married, and cements the world under Targaryan control. Dany as the queen of Essos, Tyrion, as the king of Westeros, and Jon, as king of the North.

I too have nostalgia for this movie. This was the first movie I only saw the first 20 minutes of because makeouts.

Agreed. 6 man comps are fun though. On Memorial day, some friends and I were going into a map as a 6 man Soldier 76 comp because America. The team we came up against was a 6 Genji comp. It was the most fun i’ve had in Overwatch. Both teams were having fun and typing in all chat. Things like “The Glorious NVA will

Orb Volley charge does not need much if any of a tweek. It can one shot any Attacker with a body hit. Zenyatta is a glass cannon with bonus effects. I agree with the speed though.

Calling Mercy a healer only is doing her a disservice. Her gun is the same gun D.Va uses when she’s out of the mech. It’s got a crazy good fire rate if you hold down the fire button, and it’s SUPER accurate. It’s hitscan with no bullet spread or kickback at all. Plus it does really respectable damage and a great range

Regarding banana clones, nobody would give a rats ass. Look at avacados. Hass avacados make up 85% of all Avacados grown in the united states. They are ALL grafted from seedlings from a single avocado tree. That means they are all clones. Even better, they are like Futurama style brain slug clones. Every Avacado

Man, I’d rather face off against any number of these listed heroes on a team rather than a good Tracer or a good Pharah. Good tracers are at worst annoying and at best a speedy blender of death, and a good pharah can plant rockets from halfway across a map and has more mobility than any two heroes combined thanks to

Pretty sure they moved to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Minnesota area. is their website. I’ve been inside ol Man O’ War more times than I can count.