
That’s weird that you only think 10% of the game is worth keeping. So, just the aesthetic? You want Mario Paint: Okami?

Oh god. Now I can’t stop seeing it.

What in the world is going on near the bottom-right of that header image? Dear god.

I loathe how you have to rotate all characters in for XP, otherwise I think the system is fantastic.

Terence Hill 2015 (76 years old)

“The car physics are more realistic in GTA IV in terms of handling, and also in terms of how the cars crash.”

I can’t help but think that playing this on anything but a privately owned server is a mistake and griefing waiting to happen...

Do yourself a favor and get Ni No Kuni on PS3. It's the closest thing to an HD Pokemon game and I actually enjoyed it more. Plus the sequel is coming to the ps4.

I would probably pay stupid amounts of money for a fully featured Pokemon RPG on the on the Wii U. Even if its the exact same gameplay as 3ds, just all in HD on a big screen.

Just look at the East India Trading Company!

I can’t wait for this company to go belly up. And I really hope it does.

It’s amazing how fast companies react to glitches when they affect micro-transaction revenues...

I agree.

I sank a LOT of hours into early ARK, the dinosaurs were the biggest grind ever. If they could just make the taming times more reasonable then I’d be happy with nerfed stats.

I like it. But you know what I would like more? A new Okami game.

Dude, FFVIII is my FAVORITE FF by a mile and even I know it’s nowhere near the best one. That title is probably split between IV, VI and IX.

wait is this a thread about ff8

Please tell me it will be available in the english version. I’d even buy the HK edition if it won’t be released in the west. But it has to be in english!