@grubish1: I guess I didnt add that it would be for a similar race, or the same race next year. I want to either kill the car or make it a legend.
@grubish1: I guess I didnt add that it would be for a similar race, or the same race next year. I want to either kill the car or make it a legend.
I have an 87 Supra that starts and runs but needs a bit of suspension work done. If anyone is a Columbus, Ohio native and wants to help, I bring the car and no knowledge.
I think the accessory on every BMW that instantly turns said driver into a total douche over rides not only the money saved but the quality of the interior, resale value, "Redneckyness", and reliability.
@Optixtruf: All you have to do is join the "I hate groups" group.
@RäcinG73™: Been to several 'dega races and seen crap thrown at Jeff and people cheer him a few years later.
@Adam Spano: Sold the boat two years ago. things may have changed but I didnt need anything but the title to get the license (sticker) for the piece of garbage.
@Alfisted: These too can be hooned. In western PA, My folks have a lot of Amish around. you can tell the teenagers by the pulsating headlights and thumping that isnt quite in tune with the horse hove clicking.
@Elhigh: I have no children and think this is the perfect car for my next kid.
@RepoManChitown: Heart click on the iPad reference.
@Leeeeena the Jalopchick: No officer, she was on her knees picking up... um change from the floor.
@smokyburnout: Actually, The Gx is based off the 4Runner, I thought it was a mistake too but i red it on the internets.
@edison234: Hello, this is your network admin,
@Adam Spano: I owned a 19ft boat in Ohio. at no time was I ever required to get an additional license. The boat was fully legal and legitimately owned and had an Ohio license number but that is not the same as having a specific license to pilot a vehicle.
@Turboner: Much of insurance is about medical costs. Hit a subie with a tundra and see who comes out with more injuries. The tundra might be more likely to be in a wreck but you only have to replace parts on the car. Wreck in a subie and you will be looking for replacement limbs.
@Jarrett_W: Holy crap,
He was in a ferrari? He mush have been blinded by the smugness or the price tag.
It looks like someone xeroxed an Altima Coupe and added the CTS Grill.