Grrr. Argh.

Oh Chris.

Sorry! See, this is what happens when I talk about comics which I know nothing about. But can I still get any points for watching Arrow? No? OK.

Also: Shafte.

It's been a gradual improvement for me. Maybe it's because I'm a woman and love great female characters, but Felicity and now Sara have really ramped up my enjoyment of the show. But I think it was more than that this ep. Something about the writing was on another level. I enjoyed every scene (OK, except for 1 or 2 of

So Arrow has reached another level for me. By which I mean, if they keep this up, I can recommend it without qualifications. Which unfortunately makes my concerns all the more frustrating since I'm actually invested now.

Yup. SHIELD can have the better effects. I'll take what Arrow's doing over that any day, as much as it pains me to say it.

Eh. The female rivalry thing is so overdone and grates after a while. It paints women as too catty. And over a guy? Blech. The instant rapport between Felicity and Black Canary was so refreshing.

Snarky badass comments so often come across as cheesy. The dialogue has somehow avoided that lately, especially with Black Canary, which is partly why I've become attached to her so quickly. There were some really good lines in this ep, especially for her.

At this rate, everyone's going to know who everyone is by the season finale. I don't really mind but it's hilarious.

That position baffles me. I think she's exactly what the show needs and will leave a big hole when she leaves. So she's actually going to leave at some point…that's the worst.

I friend-ship Felicity and Sara so hard.

I was hesitant, and I still am to some extent, but I'm ready to come out of the closet. I want to shout it from the rooftops. …I really like this show and it feels so good. This episode was a blast. This level of cohesion and THE Black Canary, in my estimation, have put Arrow over the top. I love when shows surprise

Oh no!

And I'm convinced that TV has played a big part in that.

Spartacus is amazing and has some great gay characters, sex, and relationships. The first season is uneven but it gets better and better.


I love that I know what you're referring to.

Thanks! Here's hoping it's good.

Good luck to everyone participating! It's a very cool concept.

Will you remind people about this in January in case it's not listed in WOT? I'm going to forget.