Grrr. Argh.

Awesome. I haven't seen many, but the good ones are good enough to say horror/comedy is one of my favorite (hybrid) genres. I hope this director is involved.

I was just happy to use my powers for good.

You can put me down for an A. I can't grade right now and it's the worst. My list is long, but that's probably going to wind up being one of my favorite eps of TV ever.

The idea that Alicia isn't some squeaky clean character had been there for a long time. She's no Walter White, but her ambition/ruthlessness has gradually grown through the years. She's always benefitted from privilege. For a while, she almost feigned ignorance about it but she has steadily learned how to use it to

Whedon reference, for sure, to go with the Buffy avatar. And I appreciate that you managed to compliment her appearance without being gross about it. I hope you're contagious. Ha.

It helps that she can actually act.

Ha. That'd be awesome, though it might threaten Rhimes' chances of getting another show off the ground. I really wonder.

This early in the season, I think there are still a lot of cases of the week/setup before the true arcs really solidify. Will they be as good as last season's ended up being? I don't know, but those were definitely worth watching.

P&A has always done morally questionable things, which is what makes the whole Gladiator thing ironic…or something. It doesn't take them being low on cash to do unethical work. They're fixers…of things that sometimes break for a reason.

No one's going to tear you apart. Sorry if you're disappointed.

I wonder how much the ratings would actually drop, especially if it ended in spectacular fashion. Though if it happened in the series finale, it wouldn't matter, would it. Rhimes seems ambivalent about the relationship and not necessarily beholden to fans so I'm curious how she's going to handle it.

…always. :-)

Yay, good for him. Though I'd prefer he appear on a show I actually watch.

She's great. It's a decent platform so I hope they're able to deal with the sound issues so she makes a good impression. She works her ass off for live shows so it's going to be a shame if the audio is crappy, per usual. Her work is actually worth listening to.

Yup. I commented about it like the killjoy I am.

TMI is also how some people seem to try to show off or socialize. It's really sad.

I have not. I'll look it up. I'm not one who watches bad movies ironically, for example, but I love this stuff.

She's crazy. She goes on and on about how there are too many docs about priests molesting kids and it's because people hate Catholics. She also lashed out at Scrawler once for no reason and called Kate Beaton a c-nt. She's a peach, that one.

So some of you are into lesbian porn? Tell us more!!!

Same. It's tough. Soon all we'll have is these newswires and the 50 Shades Rifftrax, whenever that comes out. We need our fixes!