Grrr. Argh.

Dooo it.

That's going to be hilarious.

I enjoy Arrow but Scandal says hi.

Jenny Trout's are the ones I read.

Thankfully, I can tell you that they're worth it.

Yay. I'm glad people here are reading those recaps. They're pretty compatible with this site's sensibility and so addictive. It makes the whole 50 Shades movie brouhaha that much more fun when you know how awful the books are because it's indescribable. You have to experience it for yourself.

That's funny but also weird. Seems like they may have outed this blogger partly because she criticized their site.

@sleepywriters: Congrats to our allies over at @CSIWritersRoom on #CSI300! #SixCrimeScenesAndAMovie

I thought you meant people were having a disagreement. But no…an actual cat fight. Awesome.

Ya but that was in the beginning. Very different from being there day to day.

But no one treats those shows like Whedon shows.

You're almost listier than Listy, and that's saying something.

I thought Harmon was brought back mainly because of Joel McHale. It was said that McHale has a lot of sway with the suits and he and maybe other cast members made some kind of fuss about bringing Harmon back.

Even those who've never watched an ep of Korra should check it out. It's like a self-contained mini-movie and demonstrates the potential that animation has on TV. I adore traditional Japanese art and Miyazaki so it made me particularly happy. Do you enjoy those things, or TV in general? Then I'd strongly recommend

I have a feeling Harmon's not a big fan of media criticism in general especially when it's directed at him. Which is understandable to an extent. His mind is that of a creative more than a critic. But he and Sutter need to understand that there are people just doing their jobs like they are doing theirs. And there are


Sutter's the absolute worst. Him being a complete asshole to one of the freelancers recently over a C review was so pathetic. It actively angers me that Katey Sagal is married to him.

He once RT'd that crazy stalker person's blog basically set up to discredit Todd's coverage of Community, though I'm not sure he knew exactly what it was.

My bf would watch that and buy the Blu-Ray.