Queen of the Harpies was Grr!Arrgh! but Joss had to go and be gross

After the inauguration, I created a line item in my budget I think of as “spite giving.” It’s not a ton of money, but it is allocated for petty but wothwhile donations to help salve my impotent rage at the horrible things people in charge say or do. Think Planned Parenthood contributions in the name of Mike Pence or

Yeah, I listened to it a few weeks back on spotify because I had heard the name Halsey in the zeitgeist and wanted to see what the music was like. I immediately texted my husband after, “It’s the children who are wrong.”

As a person who had malaria, I second this notion. Death to all mosquitoes!

Don’t have sex with someone you have to make an abortion power point for. Fundental disagreement on reproductive rights should be a deal breaker generally but should be a hard limit if you can actually get pregnant. Because what happens if your birth control fails and you end up pregnant by a dude you just had to use

Find an OB or CNM you trust and feel like, in the worst case scenerio, would make the decision you would even if you are unable to do it. And don’t read What to Expect (to go wrong) While You’re Expecting.

I second this. Sticks don’t tend to run as much either, so fewer incidents of “MOMMMY!!! MY EYES HURTTT!!!” on a sweaty day. Bonus, I let me 3 year old go to town on her face, which keeps her still and occupied while I slather the rest of her up with conventional sunscreen.

This stuff is great too, highly rated by Consumer Reports AND cheaper than the other’s listed above so I don’t feel bad about slathering it on:

I had something similar happen. I had some genetic testing at around 18 weeks and came back as a carrier for a particularly nasty variant of cystic fibrosis. By the time I found out, I was almost 20 weeks. At that point, we had about 3 weeks to get my husband tested, get the results, if he was a carrier, get

Word. I know my individual child really well and am probably in the best position to judge how well or poorly she’s doing on an overall basis. But the areas in which I do not know what specific course is BEST for my child are vast. Is it best to wait and see or give antibiotics if she has an ear infection or UTI?

I love my daughter. Love. She is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. But if I get pregnant again, the nice people who make Paraguard are going to get so many angry letters and phone calls. So much yelling.

Yeah.... I am somewhat skeptical about this. IUDs are something like 99.7% effective. I know someone with an IUD baby, so it certainly happen. However, if a pregnancy does happen, leaving the IUD in ramps up chances of miscarriage and serious complication significantly. So her doctors aren’t going to be chill

Yup! My totally medically boring pregnancy with a certified Nurse Midwife (cheaper than an OB but totally awesome if you’re low risk) and normalish delivery (forceps: sometimes necessary, never pleasant) had a sticker price of $32,000.

I’d like to see the rule change so that this kind of abuse results in an automatic forfit for the other team. You want to yell racist nonsense at the away team and throw things on the feild of play? Congrats! The game is over in the 3rd inning and that L on your team’s record is directly on you.

It’s about time someone stood up to all those shitty, immoral babies born with hyperplastic left heart syndrome or prematurely or with other defects sucking away our insurance dollars!  Why should we have to pay for their poor pre-life choices?

Preach. I had what would be considered a “medically unremarkable” pregnancy. (There was more to remark on during labor - so many stitches....) It was still 16 weeks of constant nausea and exhaustion, to the point that it affected my job performance, followed by round-ligament pain, calf cramps, fainting on mass

Setting aside the violation of someone else’s bodily autonomy for a moment, you do realize that when you say people should “take responsibility” when having sex, what you are implying is that the a child - an actual, living, breathing human being who comes into this world completely helpless and dependant - should be

There is this guy who keeps hanging about the same phone booth. He claims to be a reporter but he definitely is in cahoots with that weirdo in the cape and Spandex onesie.

This is what’s crazy-making for me. Abortion rights are pushed off as some soft, secondary “social issue” while economic equity is presented as a real, primary issue. But my ability to participate in the economy as a woman is DIRECTLY TIED TO MY ABILITY TO CONTROL MY FERTILITY!!!! How can you say that economic