I still loved Parks and Rec, but wouldn’t shed a single tear if every scene he speaks in were removed. Andy Dwyer drove me up a friggin wall
I still loved Parks and Rec, but wouldn’t shed a single tear if every scene he speaks in were removed. Andy Dwyer drove me up a friggin wall
**Looks at Rachel True**
My first 16 weeks were an unpleasant cycle of sleep-puke-cry. While hating all food. I don’t think I had the energy to watch a tennis match, let alone play one. She’s amazing!
Aunties are so very important! We’re actively trying to cultivate cool, strong, smart adults into our kiddo’s life because there are just some things, big, important things you can’t fully discuss with your parents. When my daughter faces those things someday, I want her to have wise, mature adults who really know…
“Ship” or “Shipping” originated back in the early 1990's in x-files fan fiction on the alt.tv.xfiles.creative usenet group (memories!) and has been fanfic standard ever since. Not knowing what a ship is (or a OTP or a NoTP) doesn’t make you old, it just means you don’t read amateur fiction based on popular media in…
They need to work on their donation page a little. I threw him a few $ from my spite charity fund (for donating to planned parenthood in the name of old white anti-choice dudes, to the NAACP in honor of Jeff Sessions, and out of state democratic races, stuff like that) last week. They automatically made my donation…
Fun Story about American Sex and Science Education:
Dear Lord....
I’m with you on the vaguely icky. My husband is South Asian, I am not. If he were making a movie about the Indian Independence Movement I would not expect to see myself or our relationship reflected back in that movie because my people were a principal part of that struggle (at least, not on the right side). I’m…
That was one of my favorite books as a kid, and it’s now one of my daughter’s favorite books and now I’m crying. That was our White House not 1 year ago. He’s not busy, if my kid wrote him a letter, I wonder if he’d come over for dinner and read Where the Wild Things are to her and her stuffed Max?
My daycare (kids who are too young for kindergarten) sends pictures of what the kids are doing during the day through an app. A few weeks ago, they send a picture of a “safety drill”, which was the kids, age 2-4 up against a wall with their caretaker (who is probably getting paid a bit above minimum wage) putting her…
I like your style.
Oooooo! Thanks for the tip! I do need better exfoliating generally.
Team sinkhole to the bowels of hell spontaneously opens beneath her and Beck during mediation!
Right? Even it it was a burn, I’m still going to use it because my skin IS old and acne prone. I am pragmatic and I appreciate the subtlety of this. Still a little offended though.
It came in the mail, addressed to me. No info on the return slip, I’m not even how to contact the company that sent it. I’ve asked my husband, my mom, my aunts, my best friends - none of them sent it. I’m not even going to call my grandmother because there is no way in hell she’d spent $40 on some body wash.
I got mystery shaded this week. Someone anonymously sent me a very expensive body scrub. “Aww,” you’re thinking, “What a nice little luxury for someone give Grr!” Not so fast: it’s specifically formulated to retextureize acne-prone skin and with special ingredients to deliver ultimate anti-aging results.
“What? No, the cleaning supplies, new floor mats, trash bags and shovel I just bought are because I’m detailing my car. Nour other reason. Also, don’t open the trunk.”
With the caveat that it’s got some very, very problematic stuff about India, I like Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “A Little Princess.” The thrust of the story is that being a princess is a lot of responsibility and involves helping people and not just fancy clothes.