
The cool thing about Fool For Love and Darla was that they were really unrelated plots, but they crossed over in flashbacks - and we got to see those flashbacks from different perspectives.
I also really liked the initial crossover in the series premier of Angel, when we found out that Angel was the one on the other

Sure, the last 20 years may not have been as consistently great, but Audioslave definitely had some fantastic songs. "Show Me How To Live" is, hands down, one of the best rock songs since the early 90's.

yeah, but there's no way you call that kiss in this episode 'making out'. Maybe they would have taken it farther if Barney hadn't immediately woken up, but, as it was, it was pretty much just a peck on the lips again.
I actually found the tag at the end of the episode to be very annoying. Especially considering the

Bacon is the most glorious of all meats.
Bacon-flavored soda (yes, that's a real thing)? Not so much.

There's a girl that I used to agonize over, thinking about how much I needed to be with her for the rest of my life. She was my dream girl. Then I met my wife. I realized that I loved that girl, but I L-O-V-E this one. Not a rebound, not settling at all - my wife showed me that my previous dreams were just scratching

That would be awesome. It is weird that they never showed the driver. It could have been because the actor playing Ranjit wasn't available for some reason, but It still seemed a little unnatural for her to say those things on the phone call - she spoke with some familiarity, so it wasn't just a random cab driver, but

Callbacks to Marshall vs the Machines and Bigfoot (and flipping the "I know I'm losing it because I'm seeing something that can't be true" around and making it about Bigfoot smoking was awesome).
Mother and Marshall in the van was great.
Do Darrin's fire-eyes count as a call-back to the coffee-shop girl's crazy eyes

thanks! So, now that I've looked it up, he was Kenny Loggins/Dolly Parton in that flashback. This time he was a Mountie/Robin Sparkles.

I know that's not the first time we've seen Wayne Brady in a costume that's split down the middle (so he looks male when he's facing one way, and female when he's facing the other), but I can't remember when, and it's driving me crazy. Somebody help me out! Is it a callback, or is it just a continuation of a

They weren't trying to progress the story or develop the characters. And I don't understand why people keep saying that. What do you expect? It's a comedy! How much progression and character development does an episode of a comedy series have to have?

We hold this show to two standards - arc and comedy.
They've always found a balance that seems excellent to me.
This show has blended those two styles better than the rest,
(Compared to standard comedies, it's still among the best).
How many funny shows maintain an over-arching plot?
Are shows with heavy plotting funny?

The thing to keep in mind about this show is that it's an epic serial comedy. Think of your top 10 comedy shows of all time - did ANY of them try to maintain a serial arc? Think of your favorite serial drama shows - were any of them anywhere near as funny as HIMYM? It's a dramedy, people. (Except it's more on the

I like this season, and I liked tonight. I don't understand the 'caricature' critism - hasn't Barney always been a caricature? Other than maybe while he was dating Nora, Barney has always been a cartoon. He was completely in character this week.

Huh… yeah, you're right. I just assumed the pitch description was intentionally generic, as most show descriptions say things like "a man tells his kids wildly inappropriate stories about how he eventually met their mother" rather than "Ted tells Luke and Leia . . . ". And the inclusion of MacLaren's (referenced in

In case you missed it, you might want to read…
If the spin-off happens, the producers would likely introduce at least some of her friends at the end of this season (although surely they wouldn't copy the archetypes so directly . . .)

I never met the band that I picked for my own wedding reception - I just listened to some samples of them playing live. I probably looked at a picture at some point, but that's far from 'meeting' them.

I agree. Another tough guy with a girlie name - Jayne Cobb on Firefly. At one point, River makes fun
of him, saying "Jayne's a girl's name", to which Jayne overreacts by
vulgarly asserting that he's all man. I'm not sure why Jayne's parents
would have given him that name, but it's always seemed clear to me that
he was

I don't see it as a crazy coincidence. 'Lost' was a show with crazy coincidences: one person is sitting in a car in a flashback, and another major character just happens to walk by - that's a crazy coincidence, an event with a really low probability that just happened to occur. But the 'coincidences' in HIMYM are

The Funk, the Whole Funk, and Nothing But the Funk.
And Robin telling him to 'give up the funk'. Perfect

That's a fantastic connection - Ted *is* the Washington Generals, and Barney / Robin / The World / Love is the Harlem Globetrotters. Nice.