
Thank you Jason. I tell myself the same thing trying to get my niece interested in coding and programming since she enjoys playing Overwatch so much. I have her enrolled in a Girls Who Code program in my city.

I have a couple of quests more to go and I’ll be done with Horizon Zero Dawn.I have played about 4 of Breath of the Wild and will continue to do so over the weekend. Getting ready for the sink hole that will be Mass Effect Andromeda despite everything.

I agree with everything you said. I have been part of the Bioware fanbase for a long time as well and I’m not terribly surprised even though I know some of these people are not even part of it. People have been blowing this out of proportion and it’s ridiculous. There will be plenty of time after everyone plays the

Horizon Zero Dawn was an unexpected and welcome new addition to my game collection. I wasn’t sure I was going to be interested in the story but a combination of that and hunting dinobots it turned out to be awesome.

Obviously you never know with people but I don’t believe Felix is an anti-Semite or racist. He’s an idiot and a troll but I wouldn’t take it further than that.

Yakuza fucking 0.

Fuck yes! More companies that will be affected should come out and say something if they don’t agree with it. I know we usually want to keep our politics out of it but this is an insult to what America was built on.

The best vampire!

I really want to but I’m not just brave enough Kirk!

Fuck you’re brave. I can’t hear that song anymore and it’s a fantastic cover. I will replay the game when all DLC is out. That will give me enough time to process lol

Yakuza 0!! Man this game is addicting. And The Sims 4 Vampires. Let’s see how far I get. I’m just happy I can play Yakuza.

Haha dying!!

Yes I can finally play Yakuza! I just bought Kingdom Hearts 2.8 and then I’m going to jump right into Yakuza 0. I’m so glad it’s a prequel.

OMG that D.Va skin is gorgeous and she’s wearing a hanbok too while doing a proper new year bow! My niece is going to love that!

OMG this sounds amazing! What a treat this year for the Sims 4. Toddlers last week and now Vampires! and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 came out today too! I’m gonna be busy guys...

I’m happy there is a female transformation like eventually they had to have shown something with Pam hopefully but the design is as ridiculous as it was with Brolly. Like how much do you lift Saiyan?

Only PS4 and PC, I do not own a PS3. I’ve played FFX original but not the HD version and Dark Souls 3. I should give Bloodborne a chance though but I’m looking for something with more story.

I love this game with all its weird flaws and questionable story choices but I don’t know if I’m ready to go back. I’ll wait until all DLC is added maybe. If you haven’t played it yet, you should give it a shot though. I had a great time.

Any recommendations are good! Hopefully 2017 brings us some good RPGs.

Ok I’m looking forward to this! I enjoyed the anime series so this is looking good.