Grr, Argh!

If I strip down to my boxer shorts will they let me skip the scanner and the groping?

@jll3: Awesome. That actually looks pretty healthy.

@terry: I'd never thought of lobsters in that way. Now I am completely freaked out by pictures of lobsters. Thanks.

@jll3: Exactly!

@Arken: I understand that, but what is the overall intent of this action? Stopping "unhealthy food" being given to children. The toy is just a means of differentiating who the food is aimed at. That it is a small targeted action does not change the fact that the intent is to ban that food from reaching children.

@Stuart Bradley Newsom: Apologies if my wording was misleading. I did not mean to imply that banning foods was okay but rather it is even more ridiculous to do so when the subject of nutrition at a government level, and thus much of society's understanding about food, is in such a sorry state.

World governments should figure out exactly what is and isn't a healthy diet before issuing bans on food in this manner.

Trying to be impartial here it seems like it may have been a misunderstanding. I doubt Steve Jobs does all his own research around every decision he makes. Looking at the game known as [Telephone, Grapevine, Broken Telephone, Whisper Down the Lane] as an example it would be easy to see how a "$40 to cover costs of

I just saw "friends ... Coming Soon!" and thought awwww, poor loner :(

@Philip Han: So what you're talking about is "tagging" not "Graffiti" then. You should have said earlier.

@Philip Han: Some of the earlier forms of recorded Graffiti indeed have the sole purpose of making money, I believe the example I read about was pointing people to a Brothel.

@Destinysface: Despite the unnecessary sarcasm at the start of your comment, you make valid points.

@olugbam: So What you're saying is dinosaurs were aliens from outer space!?

@Philip Han: "what Graffiti originally stood for."

@dave_t: (7-14 days later) Slashdot

@Kirkaiya: That was a fantastic response.

Now playing

All you guys naysaying on facebook games obviously haven't seen this awesome commercial!