Grr, Argh!

@whormongr: That was Genesis, Chapter 1, Verse 1, until the studios got involved and demanded a rewrite.

I understand that people may say that the world's wealth could be put to better use, but I think the world needs another project of this nature.

@Nitesh: Is that some kind of spoof? When it concerns North Korea I can never tell...

@darkly: I thought people just didn't know how to spell "lose". However, it would appear that the interwebz have pulled a full on switcheroo on "lose" and "loose"!

Grr, Argh!


Regarding printers, things are looking up. I was at my parents' house last night and my dad was keen to show me his new printer which even has a detachable tablet device lol!

@Blue_Six: There are so many articles on Gizmodo that you can use to rip the headline to shreds, and you choose this one? That right there was a clueless decision.

@NuevoLeon: I also use my personal iPad for work every day where others have been ok'd to get them for minor reasons. It's an unfair world eh?

I hate art, when it is art like this.

@Firebird: That's not an effect of the internet. Knee-jerk dismissal of THIS art is because it's shit.

@FritzLaurel: No I think it is quite the opposite. Developers are required to indemnify apple and it is not a reciprocal indemnity. Further, there are very broad NO WARRANTY sections which make it as clear as possible that apple is not liable (beyond law that cannot be mitigated).


@johnpooley3: "Facebook" in quotes was capitalised. So even if "facebook" under the definition you give is what is contained in the Collins dictionary it's still correct to say that you can't play "Facebook".

I don't like it.

@MifuneT: By genre? Really?

This is the worst article I have ever read.