
have you ever heard about compost, a word coming from "decomposition", that natural phenomenon? you know those apple stumps left after you eat an apple (you eat apples, right?). bury them in the soil and voila, now it has more nutrients. nature didn't get all the way until now by buying fertilizer in the supermarket.

Spread the celery with those little 35-calorie Laughing Cow cheese triangles (pyramids?) All different flavors and almost no calories. Great for munching late at night and not damaging the waistline. "Bumps on a log" are celery with peanut butter within and raisins atop. If you want to shave down the calories a

Notice the article never said anything about saving money or convenience?

You can make fertilizers for free on your own, and you'd need such miniscule amounts that it really isn't a big deal.