
Ok, fine, a distubingly large amount of us would be chuckling.

i swear at 1:12 he says “juan piece”

Its a victimless crime, like punching someone in the dark. 

Pretty sure that’s Nandor from What We Do in the Shadows.

They should’ve called it Portal Combat.

It refers to this tweet. I only remember this because people where confused by the same phrase The Root referenced last year.

Imagine all of the racist folks who are having heart palpitations seeing black people with covered faces and can’t call the police on some bullshit reason.

Uh, no thank you. Cage is both a failed writer/director and a poor designer. Kojima does at least one of those very well indeed, even if people didn’t want Death Stranding to be a walking simulator no one can argue it’s the best damn walking simulator ever made.

First of all, Common ain’t even that dark. Why the dark paint Blackface? Because that’s how idiots like this guy sees Black people. Dumbass soup cookie.

I want videos of his crying and begging. Put it straight into my veins. 

That’s funny - when I heard it on NPR, later this morning, they repeated it as ‘mentally disabled’. NPR goes a little too PC sometimes.

I grew up (and still live) in Portland and people act surprised that I like Nirvana, it’s fucking ridiculous.

So you didn’t see any black ops going on? Hmmm I wonder why?

It's slow at first and a lot like DBZ where everything is drawn out, but once it gets to the Water 7 arc is where it really starts picking up. I suggest watching it from the beginning of that arc, and then the Ennies Lobby arc Water 7 leads into where they declare war on the World Government. You can skip the arc

I was never able to get into One Piece, but it's really beloved in Japan. It's got mythical status, really - like, sure, people like Naruto, but One Piece is altogether in a different level.

This makes me want to start watching the anime again.
I've read all of the manga, but due to the masses of fillers and some shoddy animation (the Nagato fight) at times I just lost interest in the anime. I guess my spare time being a lot less than it used to be is a part of that, but I still make time for shows like

This show is so good, I didn't expect to like it as much as I do. I'm about 300 episodes in and I can't stop watching it. So far I give it a 10/10.

I need this in my life! :o

Ultimate Spiderman was pretty darn good, though.