
I never understood guys who get mad and say that. Like, who talks to people they have no attraction to. And who is hot enough to talk to them like that?

I don't know, around the "You're an Account Manger" line I probably would have hung on just to see what was coming next. You can't even be mad at this shit, it's too fun watching him crash and burn.

Well, that changes everything!

You know I really really want to feel for them because a bad launch for a console does indeed stink in a country that is often a major player of the product involved but I just can't. Microsoft did so much terrible garbage before it's launch and after where it pretty much said whatever to some of these markets on

"I know Barry at Burger King. Always makes it my way. I'm big time stuff there!"

Or we could have them like respectable adults and not resort to the Tumblr flavored 101 level discourses that result in a seemingly intelligent person like you making a proper noun out of Problematic Implications. It's asinine and does nothing but help you flip your own bean. If we never have to have this conversation

I only get medical advice from strippers with properly spelled names. Cause I'm classy.

Well, look at fancy pants here. Doesn't get their medical advice from strippers with misspelled names.

Whaaaat? You're crazy, Luke. Crazy.

Protip: do not get your medical referrals from someone named Pebbelz Da Model.

That thing that lives on Donald Trump's head has finally reached the adult stage and found a new host to implant its eggs.

It will never be as good as MY spinoff games! Even if one of them is only available in the USA by using an emulator and a fan translation patch.

I was just listening to IGN's Nintendo-centric podcast from last week (podcast name left out to protect the innocent/guilty), and they stated many of the same complaints you do, Jason. That it's a good game, but a better merging of the two forms of gameplay and the two worlds would've done a ton to make it better and

Rhetorically: How do we know?

That comment is as ignorant as saying Muslims view Americans as infidels who must die.

This is dishonest of you. It's often stated that Jezebel posters are not a monolithic entity with uniform thought. If you don't mean all men, then you really shouldn't imply all men. You also shouldn't get upset when someone responds to something you implied.

I believe he objects to the fucking.

Uh he does know that Christmas was originally just a co-opted pagan holiday intended to lure people into converting yes?

"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"
