I am reveling in the irony of people playing games about criminals who steal from others complaining about the other players stealing from them.
I am reveling in the irony of people playing games about criminals who steal from others complaining about the other players stealing from them.
It does seem strange to get bent out of shape over unethical behavior on the part of people playing a game that glorifies unethical behavior.
Wii-U offers no innovation on hardware and especially software. It's a fun console to play Nintendo made games but that's it. Get used to it.
I was joking, but what did the Wii U innovate? It's a big stationary DS that plays nintendo games. There isn't anything wrong with that, but it isn't very special either.
Can't wait for Perfect Dark Zero with xbox live!!
I agree that the WiiU needs to go under $250, but $99 is pants-on-head ridiculous. $200 would be a nice fair amount, IMO.
As I mentioned, the Wii U already had a price drop, and it didn't do anything that I'm aware of. (Feel free to look up sales charts, I don't think it did anything because it's still struggling.)
Art imitates life imitates art.
Can I just say this is the highest level of irony I've seen in years? In a video game, you can steal money, use it on luxuries and shit, and not give a crap about anyone else. But when someone dumps multi-millions of dollars on your plate, and there's a chance you might get "banned" for having so much money, it makes…
My thoughts, too! I think this was more about her being late/hungover/aggressive than about her weight. Actually, I don't think her weight was even an issue here. I think it was her attitude.
It blows my mind that 90% of the comments here are supporting the author. I feel like there should be a study done to see how big of an ignorant ass you can be and still blame the other person if you're overweight.
Since Lindy didn't do a great job describing the situation, here's how I pictured it...
"I gave my girl so many teddy bears, cause like, she lost hers at a sleepover the week before and she was real upset before her PSAT so I was like, girl, I'mma get you all the teddy bears."
Neither Uncharted nor Infamous are really shooters at all. Among those "other Xbox One exclusives" are D4 (not a shooter), Fable Legends (not a shooter), Project Spark (not a shooter), Quantum Break (hard to say so far how much of the focus will be on shooting and how much on the new mechanics), and Sunset Overdrive…
That isn't true at all. The Wii was hot out of the gate, and didn't slow down until later.
Sony did lose lots of money, but that's more because they gambled that people would be willing to pay premium for their cell processor tech, which was quite wrong despite having spent billions on it. Xbox360 competes just fine with off the shelf parts and a much cheaper cost.
he's right though. it's not even like the ready when you need it information dispensary of the internet is working against them. they are. shooting themselves in the foot at every corner. marketing to families first and gamers third, where sony and microsoft are putting video gamers first, which are really pointed…
"The first year is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS slow for them. Hell, for any console."
Please don't hit me, papa!
Wow. All of these Catholics are crazy upset about Lennay not being real. You can only imagine the kind of shitstorm it's going to be when they finally find out about Jesus.