They stopped believing.
They stopped believing.
It needs to be at least 3 times as big!
The Wolf Among Us season pass for $9? FUCK and YES.
That robber isn't as cleaver as he thinks he is.
That piece of crap made the Virtual Boy look like the PlayStation by comparison.
Holy crap - this is going to end up splintering off a fourth Zelda timeline, where Link killed himself out of pure frustration.
Are you sure? I thought the lie was about the Fireflies letting her go without a fight. If Ellie was immune, the odds of there being enough other immune people out there to form at least 1 colony isn't far-fetched.
Joel was talking about "colonies" of spore-immune people across the US at the end.
Emotionally, Ellie would probably harbor some resentment to Joel for saving her from the Fireflies due to being forced to live in a world where could never really connect with anyone due to risk of spreading the infection.
I said "launch line-up", not "launch game". SM64 was awesome, but the rest of the N64's initial offerings rated from "good" to "meh".
Exactly. The last time I can remember a console having an awesome line-up at launch was the SNES way back in 1991.
The guys down at Microsoft are crapping themselves in fear right now. The PS3 was more popular in Japan than tentacle rape, and you couldn't give away the 360 over there. By the end of the year, the total sales numbers of PS4 units worldwide is going to double from 5 million to 10 million.
Oh gosh, looks like i'll have to buy an XBO to play it...oh wait a minute - I can just play it on my PC! No need to waste $500 then!
Maybe after I've suffered a severe brain injury, I might.
Oh lord, there is just so much fail...but i'll just point out most egregious errors:
I can give two reasons why she's popular....
Do yourself a favor and don't.
Considering that this is EA we're talking about here, expect that $60 to inflate to $100-150 via microtransactions.
Holy fucking shit, that game blew homeless goats. Batman Returns on the SNES was so awesome, and yet, this thing was a crime against humanity. Every mook took like 5 dozens hits to take down, the jumping was awkward, the graphics looked like crap, and how in the hell did anyone get to use the grappling hook properly?…