And Bravely Default's demo didn't have a lot of "hardwork" put into it?
And Bravely Default's demo didn't have a lot of "hardwork" put into it?
Considering that there are excellent games that cost just $5 and last several hours (like The Walking Dead), paying $40 for what is essentially a glorified demo is fucking ridiculous. Bravely Default's demo was free, but it lasted at least 6 hours.
I wouldn't say "hate", but rather "disappointed".
Agreed. Chrono Trigger was complicated enough without adding that "parallel universe" thing going on in CC. Any connections between Trigger and Cross was tenuous, at best. The only things that linked the two games was that Kid was raised by Lucca (and you wouldn't know about that unless you played the Japan-only…
I'd run over a gaggle of nuns with a bus full of screaming school children right off a cliff for a proper Chrono Trigger sequel.
When Trebek shaved off the moustache, mass rioting ensued for a week at nursing homes across America.
It's part of the "14 for '14" sale that might still be up, IIRC. I got it for $10 thanks to my PS+ discount (It's about $15 without, I think).
Even when you take the free games out of the equation, the discounts I've gotten via PS+ more than paid for itself several times over. I was able to get Puppeteer, Tales of Xillia, Far Cry: Blood Dragon and Rain together for around $20! When I went to GameStop yesterday, Xillia was $40 new and Puppeteer was $30. Rain…
Someone should kidnap her asshole father, tie him up for a few months, and feed him nothing but junk food until he's 170 pounds overweight, like his daughter was. Then set him free so he can experience life in his daughter's shoes.
You mean you haven't played one of the best RPGs ever?
1000% agree. FFXII was a huge let down. The story was blah, the characters were meh, and the side missions were boring and pointless (especially the optional bosses - hours of fighting for some crap that wasn't worth the hassle). And the License Board? Why in the heck do I need to learn how to wear a hat I bought? WTF?
The iPhone: Where classic RPGs go to die.
Bingo. The hacking puzzles in AC IV were nowhere as fun or involving as the ones in AC II.
Play the final dungeon in Final Fantasy III (the original, not VI) and come back to me on that one.
Agreed on Phil LaMarr. I've been a fan since his work on MadTV. His skits were hilarious, especially the ones where he played Michael Jackson or Prince.
Pretty much anyone who was on a Star Trek show did a voice on Gargoyles.
Or EarthBound's instant "YOU WIN!" when you encounter a weak enemy, instead of wasting time for 3 exp.
This is probably the best innovation to random encounters in an RPG since EarthBound did the "instant win" against weak enemies.
Holy shit - why has nobody ever thought of this before?