
Exactly. Remember when they threatened to show up at Whitney Houston's funeral and never showed up? Then they claimed they were there and used some really terrible Photoshopped pictures to "prove" they were there. (as if they would have been allowed within 30 miles of the funeral and not beaten to death by Whitney's

V.I.C.K.I. from Small Wonder and the kid from that 80's movie D.A.R.Y.L. are noticeably absent. Same goes for the sentient ship from Flight Of The Navigator. As well as Ziggy from Quantum Leap, and Automan and Cursor. Whoever made this list must have been in a coma for part of the 1980s.

No Vision, Ultron or Red Tornado? WTF?

Also, Robocop and the Six Million Dollar Man are cyborgs, not robots.

They forgot Mega Man? Did CAPCOM make this?

That's exactly what went through my mind when I read the article. How can someone murder another person over a $400 console and not feel any guilt or remorse when playing the thing? (Of course, they'll probably try to sell it, and I hope they get shot over it)

Looks like Gaben got bored with trolling Half-Life fans and is now targeting Shenmue fans.

When I first saw the headline, I thought it meant that we could win a free copy of Mario Party by doing nothing.

1) I'm quite aware that he's not a journalist, but based on how both Sony and MS used him as PR, it's quite clear that his opinion holds a lot of sway with gamers.

Would I take the stuff? HELL YES. But then again, I'm not making videos on YouTube and pretending that my views aren't biased because Sony did everything short of giving me a handjob. So no hypocrisy there, friendo.

I agree. Boogie strikes me as a good person (based on the all the non-Francis YT videos me makes) who managed to crawl from the wreckage of a shitty childhood. Nor does being a shill make him a bad person. It just makes me take his judgements concerning video games with a heavy dose of skepticism.

You must have been too blinded by your butthurt to have finished reading my original post, so i'll copy/paste it here for you to read:

It's really sad that Microsoft didn't even step up their bribe game like Sony did. Sony gave him the full VIP treatment and did everything short of sending Kazuo Hirai to carry Boogie on his back all the way to NY. MS just sent their PR guy to soft-pedal the XBO's shortcomings. It was like Sony gave Boogie a gangbang

The point is not that he prefers the PS4 - the point is that is Boogie giving the system all this free positive publicity because Sony greased his palms?

He wasn't forced to take those gifts, and he's completely free to take them, but by accepting those gifts he gave up any claim of being impartial. The next time he gushes over a PS4 game, a lot of people will wonder, "Does he really think this game is really a 10/10, or is he saying that so Sony will keep showering

If by "dick", you mean "penis" and by "suck" you mean "insert them into my mouth", then yes, yes I do!

If I were you, I'd use this Thanksgiving to burn bridges so hard, your whole family will require skin grafts.

It's not really that mystifying. To people who subscribe the GOP way of thinking, they have a line of reasoning that makes it bad for other people to do something but totally OK when they do it.

So apparently, sea salt wasn't the only powdered rock Nigella had a taste for.

There's a big difference between, "Apple paid me to be in advertisements for the iPad" and "Apple gave me tons of free swag to give them favorable reviews but I'll totally pretend that getting the red carpet treatment had NO influence on my reviews whatsoever."