
I'm being obsessive about this, but I just finished a season re-watch.

I saw it more is that she wasn't being seen and/or touched.

Gloria's shirt at her end-meeting with Vargas was the only unambiguously blue object in the whole season, and it was royal, rich, and deep blue.*

So, how did you like the reason behind her tech woes?

I was disproportionately angry that he was such an arrogant jerk to be the only one not to put on booties at the crime scene.

Yesterday I decided to take a break from the toxic national news and looked instead at local, which I never do . . . and found out a student at the college library where I work - someone I had seen on and off for years - had just been arrested for molesting two kids.

That whole scene gave me vertigo because they kept varying the size of the actors in the shots!

Although a giant gaping asshole was blocking his scenic view…

BCS always has beautiful, startling, unusual, and meaningful angles and composition but the meeting at the insurance agency was even more exceptional.

You called it, but probably not in the way you thought…

I would watch ALL!

Gyp Rosetti bizarrely, loquaciously, anti-semitically insults AR, whose shark eyes make my skin tighten in fear . . . until he SMILES, genuinely (at "creeping around like a dentist with the ether") and is even more terrifying for what it says about his character. Great moment, great choices throughout that series by

I might have actually rolled my eyes at her appearance, although at this stage I totally trust the writers to make good use of the character beyond shallow FS.

Sticker still on there?

Curious as to whether you made it to the end, here at the end of the series? And whether you were glad about it?

How do you feel now (if you managed to stay til the end of the series)?

Was true on my first view-through, and still holds true on my re-watch after the series ended.

Chuck better wish his fate is ending up alone plugged into machines, even given the pain…because it'll be a far more horrid hell if his delusions fall and he has to see himself for whom he truly is, and see the lies he's told himself, and have to face THOSE all alone, naked to the soul without any flimsy space-blanket

Different time eras, maybe? Hitchcock was a pervert (and worse, according to Tipi Hedren's recent autobiography) so perhaps he would have boob'd if he could've. Boobs everywhere, for everyone! Boobs in the shower, boobs in the basement!

Well, she did have the face and the boobs, I guess (nothing wrong with those, just not a stand-in for talent). As I replied to someone else, if doing stunt casting - especially a non-actor - why not Janet Leigh's granddaughter Annie Guest…