
I think maybe you should spend less time in shoot-em-up adventure movies and more time in the slow, cerebral ones. Arrival is a movie that makes you think for days, and does not need explosions or witty banter to be an effective film. It is sci-fi at its absolute finest, and we desperately need more of it.

“and pretty much throws physics out the window” - if giant floating spaceships with the ability to control gravity just meters from the earth’s surface didn’t already warn you that the laws of physics were breakable in this movie, then I’m not sure how to help you. 

I didn’t think I could hate Jeff Goldblum more than I already do, but I’m pretty sure that scene just upped my hatred a notch.

This looks absolutely uninteresting.

I like the MI franchise and I’ll probably go see this one in due time, but I have to admit, the idea of Yet Another Mission Impossible does not grab my attention.

Kidding aside, Luxembourg’s in NATO...seems logical this satellite will be used by NATO.

Henry McMaster is an impotent, widely-despised douchebag who’s rarely had an original political thought in his career, kisses Trump’s ass like his life depends on it, and can hardly even garner the support of his own party. Hell, over half of South Carolina couldn’t identify him in a photograph. Bloviating, jingoistic

I live in SC and I will happily not-stand for the Super Bowl National Anthem, at least not on purpose, because (1) it is a joke to think that the vast majority of TV spectators in the country have EVER stood for the Anthem—the only time most of those jokers stand up is to get more beer and chips; (2) I have no plans

please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck


Trying to keep an open mind, but I have a bad feeling it’s going to be a hard pass on this show. Among other things, it’s very difficult to do a good job with any plot involving time travel.

An antagonist that bears more than a passing resemblance to Vladimir Putin....hmm....coincidence?

Body shaming, really? I thought we’d decided a few years ago that was a bullshit thing to do.

No, just no. Cassette tapes are the worst type of audio recording in the last 40 years. They kink, stretch, break, come unraveled or tangled in the player, and the cartridge itself melts in a hot car. Not to mention the pain in the ass it is to find an exact moment on the cassette. The only good things I can think of

*At worst*, Hillary Clinton would have maintained the status quo in geopolitical relations and continued to advance a liberal/progressive social agenda. Whether the latter is ruining the country is basically a matter of opinion. The former literally determines the existence of our country, if not humanity. Saying

“An” order of magnitude? More like 3 to 5 orders, depending on whether it was one nuclear or dirty bomb or a full-scale attack...

It really does amaze me how many people get burned by this every year, but it’s equally amazing that it’s still a thing in the 21st century. It’s ludicrous for countries to require a 3- or 6-month buffer zone on your passport.

I, for one, am somewhat gratified that the term “bomb cyclone” has actually been around for decades and not just something that an online journalist made up to go viral. At least it seems to be an actual term used by educated experts and not some pseudoscientific drivel like my current most-hated word, “supermoon”.

I embarrassed (not really) myself at a DC airport one year because it was snowing as we were walking from the tarmac to the puddle jumper, and my friend and I were freaking out and trying to catch snow on our tongues. All the other passengers looked at us like we were insane. We thought it was magical and hilarious

Hubris is a dangerous thing. When Buffalo can handle 99/99 conditions (99 degrees, 99 percent humidity) for 4 months straight without it feeling like the end of civilization and having dozens of people die from the heat, then you can laugh. 99/99 conditions to me are “Tuesday” and completely un-noteworthy.