
My favorite saltine recipe is rather complex:

Candyman is one of the very few horror movies I’ve seen in the theater and it scared the everloving bejeezus out of me. I haven’t watched it again to this day (or its sequel, which I hear is even scarier). However what set it apart from other horror movies for me was that it actually had a plotline, a good story, and

oh HELL yes.

I am reading this at work and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a mini-panic attack upon reading the Chrome tab titled “69 Porg Photoshops” a little too quickly. “No, Mrs. Human Resources Vice-President, it says PORG with a G”...

I’d rather have the spiders. Centipedes are creepy as fuck.

IMO the biggest problem with black widows, by far, is that they tend to reside in places around your home like the garage, in the holes of bricks or cinder blocks, or under the stairs where if you *do* need to access those areas, the encounter tends to be (a) up-close, and (b) a surprise to both parties—hence the

$1 says this is Yet Another Instance of a trailer being better than the movie. Not to mention io9 staff gets overly worked up* about just about every sci-fi movie out there and comes away disappointed over half the time. So, hard pass. I’ll save my money and wait for io9 to come back after screening the movie to say this a German production in English, or are they going to subtitle it?

I am SO HAPPY they managed to get that cameo on. I had a feeling.

This white person knows what a Black and Mild is, but I wasn’t aware of its status as a “thing” in black culture.


1. Is this going to be more sci-fi or more horror? Interested in the first, not quite so much the second.

Please, just, stop. When the latter half of your franchise is essentially being given the Highlander 3 treatment, it’s time to let go.

Definitely more Guinness than McGregor in this toy.

Damned onion-cutting ninjas just raided my office space again.

I don’t remember Fifth Element getting panned. It might have gotten a couple of confused looks, and it was definitely not your traditional action hero film (nor did it fit neatly into any genre) but I was absolutely mesmerized by it from the first few minutes onward. I seem to remember that reaction from a lot of

I really wanted to like this movie. I tried very hard. It had some beautiful visuals and interesting concepts (especially the layered dimensions idea), I’ll give it that. But I found myself bored by the plot and my attention wandered in large stretches of the movie. The music was way too overbearing and distracting

Greatest American Hero has to be in the top 10 list.


I had completely forgotten about the show Earth: Final Conflict.