
I am shocked—SHOCKED!!—that this movie is no good. SHOCKED I say.

Yep. It took me about 2 minutes to find it, and had to read a couple of subtle hints to get an idea of what I was looking for. But now that I can see it, it’s impossible to un-see. Sometimes I can see the cigar “disappear” if I look at it very quickly with peripheral vision, but it never stays hidden.

I agree with this to a point, but referencing my previous comment, if you’re leaving on (relatively) good terms and had invested enough in the company that you think your criticisms will be listened to without damaging your relationship, make them. You don’t need to burn bridges or skewer people, but if there’s

I only specifically recall doing two exit interviews. My most recent one was very productive, I thought. I’d been there long enough that I was a senior employee (in terms of tenure, not necessarily job title; by that point maybe only 6 people had been there longer than me) and I felt I had license to make some

Little boy had a yield of 13-18 other words, 3 orders of magnitude lower than the 1-megaton bomb mentioned in this video clip. And it’s not just the EMP the plane is trying to avoid - it’s the fireball, mushroom cloud, shockwave, and so forth.

Seriously? It’s not even April Fools Day

Some douchebag semi-accidentally right behind me did this in the line for SW:TPM. Fortunately I’d already seen it a few hours earlier, but several people gave him looks like they wanted to kill him. Part of it was just gushing excitement for the movie, but most of it was him being careless as well as a braggart that

It’s about 95% as good on a premium screen with RPS sound. Saw it again this weekend in said theater setup and it was impressive.

While I’m not unsympathetic to the advertisers in this deal, the only emotion I have to ESPN being screwed is pure Schadenfreude.

George Lucas can STFU. He ruined 3 episodes, then got pouty and went into SW remission for over a decade, then got bored with it and sold it for roughly the value of all the gold in the universe. Now he’s whining because it doesn’t match his “vision” (of what, 3 more shitty movies that he may or may not ever have

I suspect your opinion is a rather small minority among those who oppose Obama politically. Here in the Deep South it is not unusual for dislike of Obama’s politics to extend to a visceral personal level. I’ve heard people wish him dead.

Mostly likely the refs didn’t see the helmet-to-helmet hit, so they can’t call it on the field. It’s almost a guarantee that he’ll get a hefty fine from the NFL front office, though, and maybe a phone call from Roger Goodell. A suspension is probably warranted too, though the NFLPA would likely make that go away.

here in South Carolina we also have a Denmark, Norway, and Sweden (though Sweden isn’t more than a country crossroads).

Burger King salad bars. Wow. That’s a blast from the 80’s/early 90’s. I had totally forgotten about their salad bars until this very moment.

“The Giants’ Loss Was Inexplicable”

It saddens me that there are people like this who actually exist, live, eat (green things only, apparently), and breathe in this country. And that they have children who are learning this kind of awful behavior by example.

I have 2 lines, 2 subsidized phones, and 6GB of data and my total bill after taxes AND a 15% discount on the plan is still $170. I’d be thrilled to pay only $140. Absofuckinglutely thrilled.

Do we have extradition treaties with Zimbabwe? Pretty please? That would be awesome if we deported his sick ass to Zimbabwe for criminal prosecution.