
Craft thread!

Help me settle a debate for a friend who’s trying to come up with a wedding hashtag. Her fiance’s last name is Jones, so I suggested the semi-obvious #meandmrsjones. She objects because that song is about adultery. I said no one’s thinking that hard about the inspiration behind a hashtag and besides, it’s cute. What

Actually, I’m hoping for Mitt. He’d be the first sane choice Donald Trump made. The rest of his cabinet picks send me into shock and disbelief that a cabinet could be that bad!

Can we stop criticizing Mitt for going for SOS? He’s sane, competent, and qualified-qualities sorely lacking in most of Trump’s cabinet picks. Also, he’s at least somewhat willing to criticize Trump, at least enough to completely unhinge Kelly Anne. I take that as a good sign.

I think we need to ease up on the poor thing. She’s trying.

I didn’t think the CIA had it in them to be so salty. Bless.

I bet the staffer who let that woman with the dark hair up in the front got chewed out big time.

I think you might be underestimating how much they love his ridiculous, semi-literate missives.


This story has EVERYTHING! His wife literally called with a flat tire!? AND HE DIDN’T GET THE IRONY!? I LOVE THIS! I’M ALL CAPPING BECAUSE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!

Self absorbent guys arent all bad. You can use them to clean wine spills.

Trump will next criticize Clinton’s ill-fitting suits, her inexplicably orange skin, her tendency to loom over people, and her terrible comb-over. “I hear she just reaches out and grabs people by the pussy, is what I hear” reports Trump.

And now, your Friday feels:

An asshole.

there is so much...something?...from both of these people. i’m...kind of in awe? still horrified, but also...there’s not the usual amount of rage pumping through my veins rn?

This is like, ultimate level Berkeley. You’ve fought all the bosses and conquered all the castles.

She's right, it's literally unbelievable.

“I regret saying ‘half’—that was wrong,” Clinton said.

She buys groceries?! I assumed her sustenance came from turning her head 180 degrees and eating the face of her partner during copulation.