
So, here’s a crazy idea: when a kid reaches a certain amount of lunch debt, a social worker or school administrator reaches out to the kid’s family to try to find out why: is the kid going to school with lunch money every day and getting it taken on the way to school? Are they just spending it on chips in the morning?

Sounds like she was the type of person to go to the ER several times, claiming she had pain and the staff never found anything. Crying wolf as a hypochondriac

“causing a disturbance in the hospital with her language and the volume of her voice”

Let’s start with Bob here...

Playing devil’s advocate but I think what people probably mean by “don’t be a victim” is that even if you are the victim of an assault/aggression of any kind, don’t be passive and take on a victim mentality about it but rather be proactive and try to do something about it?


I’m always blown away when these same women have several children.

What I can’t figure out is why the handles of women’s razors are scented. Like, do we care?

Is it weird that I feel like this is okay? Like, it should be taught as part of language classes and middle school classes and to everyone everywhere.

A Super Nintendo Chalmers article?!? Posted at this time of year?!?! Posted at this time of day!?!? In this part of the internet?!?! Localized entirely in Kotaku?!?

“Barratry” is the offense of instigating or encouraging groundless litigation. Two observations: First, I never heard the term in three years of law school; second, the attorneys she worked for must have flagrantly abused the system to get busted for Barratry. Then again, if their solution to being charged was to hire

Because our neighbor had cancer, and didn’t like her.

Congress’ Christmas present to the U.S. - fucking cooperating for a change.

1) I’ll probably vote for Hillary Clinton for a number of reasons, even though I dig Bernie and what he’s doing for lefty politics.

I seriously got into an argument with a gun nut and I was commenting with facts about guns and he was responding “that’s just your northern beliefs, we in the south have different beliefs.” and it was the most frustrating thing in the world.

I feel like he’s more “Yahoo comments section given sentience and form through Frankenstein style experimentation”.

Trump is like a sentient Onion article that doesn’t realize it was born in satire.

George Carlin said “ pro-life is anti-woman” and that is a true description of the movement,