Grouper Sandwich

“You know what I like most about Vandergrift? The dog fights. They don’t even breed the dogs for fighting, they got strays that just show up and tear at each other. And when you get two mongrels in a back alley, and bam, outta nowhere comes a bookie, it’s game on. And the bookie, he’ll take black tar or meth. Forget

Judge Mingledorf moonlights with the Ministry of Magic.

“Former tight end” is just rubbing it in.

I like how your first name is a verb.

because why else would anyone visit Washington, D.C.?

If he believed he was healed, he needed to show it.

Supplement ≠ steroid

I dunno I think Kyrie will finally prove to be the defensive catastrophe people have been saying he would for years. Last year they ran into a bad Detroit, average Hawks in the middle of a Teague/Schroeder transition, Raptors with Kyle Lowry with an injured shooting elbow mired in a historic slump, and in the finals

I once ran a red light while speeding. Got busted. I wasn’t wearing a seat belt either. When I went to court they allowed me to plea it down to simply failing to properly use a turn signal. Pretty sweet deal. Saved a lot of money and points against my license.

The thing I have come to understand about people like Jim Boeheim is every god damn thing is an opportunity to talk about how unfair everyone is to him. That comment had shit to do with Fab Melo, and everything to do with reminding everyone how unfair it was that Jim Boeheim’s basketball team was sanctioned before the

I’m sick of these entitled thugs. Where is the leadership in their community? Where are the fathers to teach them humility and grace?

This is Ground Control to Majorly Fucked.

The score of that Toronto game makes it look like a game, and not the 40 point blowout it actually was.

Kelce needs a timeout.

He uncovered the corruption at FIFA via the secret spy method of Googling “FIFA + Corruption”.

Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?

Would it? It would seem to me that throwing a leg back before you land would propel your torso forward and make you more likely to either put too much strain on one leg, or just fall on your face. The counter balance to stopping yourself from falling forward is to get both feet out in front. It’s why aside from Kerri

The swastika is not goose-stepping in any way. The people forming the swastika are simply “marching”. I understand that anything having even a tangential military connection may seem fascistic to you pantywaists, but come on.

"Guys, pass the hat around for Dave, OK? To show there's no hard feelings, Nguyen even donated a hat. Just OH GOD THROW THE HAT OUT NOW"