Dude’s really trying hard for a hand-out... Maybe Lit Motors is in desperate need of a cash influx?
Dude’s really trying hard for a hand-out... Maybe Lit Motors is in desperate need of a cash influx?
23/M with 2 tickets over 4 years old. 2013 F150, southeast MI, $1,000 deductibles. $1476/yr.
That’s fair. Thanks for the visual aid!
Wouldn’t a lot of it get caught in the intercooler?
Ha. Air filters, who needs ‘em! Amirite??
Right. But in the meantime, it’s hard to fault the car or the driver if she really did just randomly move in front of the car at the last second.
Looks like a Renegade competitor.
I’m not holding out much hope for the new Supra. The Supra’s of old were supposed to be a GT sports car. This new one looks like it’s going to be a slightly enlarged GT86 with different styling and a BMW engine.
They need to make that Mission E. It’s one of the few concept cars around right now that I genuinely love.
Never understood the appeal of the illegal mass group rides... If you’re all riding legally and obeying traffic laws, that’s understandable, but these shitshows just seem entirely pointless to me.
I’ve often had slightly better luck with random squads, but only in the sense that we stick together 75% of the time. But of course, we all still get wrecked in the first wave or two.
My ‘96 Impala had the same thing. Took me a week to figure out it was just a little resistor. (Luckily mine still worked)
Except when your doors all freeze shut and you rage-out and start kicking them, only to leave 3/4 door panels without a boot-shaped dent... I was not kind to my old Buick...
To be fair, we here in MI are likely keeping the zip tie and JB-weld industries alive... Stupid road salt.
Interesting... Guess I’ll have to look into it more.
...but why? No sound, 1 gear (presumably), much less interesting to spectate.
Can I point out that we’re now holding people from 1930 accountable to 2018 political/social standards? I’m not saying their views and actions were right or justifiable, but people like to make them out as monsters, which just isn’t fair. If these people existed in today’s social environment, they’d likely make vastly…