Kotaku previously introduced Initial D model cars that Twitter user Shinga had painted to look like manga art.…
Kotaku previously introduced Initial D model cars that Twitter user Shinga had painted to look like manga art.…
One of the great things about having kids, I’m told, is that you get an excuse to buy all the cool toy cars you miss…
Graduation season is upon us. Across the nation, countless hungover students are sitting through long and drawn-out…
I’m really, really lucky, because just this year some switch flipped in my little boy Otto’s head and now he adores…
We seem to be in a golden age of automotive Lego, with Lego having deals with a number of carmakers, including Porsch…
I didn’t buy the last Forza Horizon 3 snow and ice expansion. I reasoned that traction issues were already ruining…
DriveTribe sent Henry Catchpole to Sweden’s Below Zero Driving School, where they teach you how to drive…
Oh, hey there. What do you like to do for fun? What’s that? Torture yourself by watching videos of things you can’t…
What are you doing? Where are you going? Where is your life headed? I’ll tell you: to Super Van City.
Welcome to the Jalopnik Weekend Motorsports Roundup, where we let you know what’s going on in the world of racing,…
As part of our company’s annual holiday e-commerce cash grab, Jason found a bunch of great car-gifts for kids,…
I wonder if perhaps that generation of Mondeo was riding on the reputation of previous Mondeos, which we didn’t get? Because the Contour was not a good car. It wasn’t terrible, just mediocre.
Hook tow instead of a flatbed — that must’ve done wonders for the AWD.
You don’t see this quite as much as you used to, but every now and then car manufacturers build something that is a…
Watch them fly, hear them sing.
My ideal GPS system would be James May sitting next to me, politely telling me which way to go and also providing…
I told myself I’d never love again. This video of a LEGO Fiat 500 idea project set to Italian opera told me it’s…
Earlier today, in the holographic video-conference dome where we conduct all daily Jalopnik business, someone threw…