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Fun to find this in my Twitter feed just after rewatching this with my Sunday coffee:

I prefer the Turkish method:

Awesome. Thanks again for the assist. I’m sure I’ve got this now ....

The style and quality of those Jesus signs makes me think it’s one super try-hard guy who really has a message in his heart that he wants to express. His Jesus stuff will never be as good as someone who hastily writes “Jim Harbaugh Pronounces the ‘g’ in ‘lasagna’” with a ballpoint pen on a flattened inside out beer

Are you suggesting my choice to not eat boiled offal is somehow impairing my judgment? I say thee, nay. It’s probably the Lipitor.

Yeah, I thought gelatin had less hoofy and more synthetic ways of being made now, but who knows. Ignorance is bliss!

Having your fire burn down to hot coals is the most important step of roasting a marshmallow.

I want to know what “megasquirt” is, but I’m afraid to google it on the work computer...

OK, if you are going to force me to take this conversation somewhat seriously:

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That’s why you settle these differences off the track much like in this example.

As they say in Australia, “That’s not a drill”…

I fail to see how anything I said has anything to do with personal politics.

I’m convinced a replay official has a son around that age and immediately though, “Steve Bartman; the child will be destroyed if I call interference”. No doubt the Yanks and their fans got hosed, but still, it was the right call. The Yanks took one for the team: “team humanity”. Way to go, NYC.

Look, I’m not saying there aren’t OTHER benefits to carrying cat litter, but snow is the main one.

I used to carry one too until I had to sacrifice a couple at concert/football game.

Dale Jr. haz a happy!

Definitely not my Most Important accessory but its a unique answer and shareable wisdom for people living in snowy places- I don’t go anywhere in the winter without cat litter.

These were things I used in my mid-90's cars and I still use one today in my model year 2011. I like them because they show much more as a rearview, even flat 240mm models. I have one of this size and it completely shows the rear window instead of most of it like many OE rearviews. Wider or convex mirrors can even