
Robert E. Lee and Poe were close in age. It's not outside the realm of alternative history that they might have been rivals at some point and after Lee accepted command of the Army of Northern Virginia, that Poe would declare for the Union and accept command of the Army of the Potomac just out of spite and enmity.

The first time I listened to "The Ship", the lyrics that stood out to me were:

Not sure either qualify as "pop" culture, but I finally got around to seeing "The Witch" this afternoon, and loved it. A very impressive debut for writer/director Robert Eggers.

I agree with your assessment of how the books got worse as they went. Even stylistically I found them increasingly a chore to get through. The lack of cohesion was so jarring, it felt like Del Toro and Hogan were writing alternate sentences. And that was the least of the problems. I'll watch the finale tonight, but I

I can't support the use of "pantsless chaps" in this context because, to me, it more accurately describes a group of gentlemen that for one reason or another, are currently lacking pants.

They're going to need a lot of jello.

I laughed way too hard at this, and I'm not proud of that fact.

That moment was ruined for me by the fact he was running. He has no idea how far he has to go, he's wearing riot gear, and I'm guessing he hasn't been carbo loading. It's not like he can stop by a 7-11 if he needs water and a snack. I think it would have been far more effective to give Glenn/Steven Yeun his moment of

She is, however, oddly concerned about which half gets eaten.

This, a thousand times. It feels like the writers mostly use the characters as plot devices to set up "The Big Scene", and I just find that boring.