This was my immediate thought. Seems like an alpha emitter would be a lot cheaper and easier.
This was my immediate thought. Seems like an alpha emitter would be a lot cheaper and easier.
Agreed. Every. other. post. is this “future earth” bullshit.
Being a IPCC scientist means never having to say you’re sorry ( or wrong, or lied)
Points for dinging Interstellar. That movie makes me angrier each time it’s brought up.
Well, being head of PR at Konami has probably been a nightmare of a job recently, so I guess she deserves some recognition for not going insane yet.
Its a sad week for Gizmodo whose reputation and credibility has already sunk so low.
The proper way to recycle inter-office memos....and the decisions printed on them.....
There seems to be a disagreement within climate science on the length of the climate cycle and CO2 residency. No matter how long the carbon cycle is, glaciers and sea levels are far more stable under concentrations of CO2 than was previously thought. That’s actually good news for a change.
“Even though, in all of our scenarios, most of the fossil fuel is burnt within a century or two, the CO2 persists in the atmosphere for many thousands of years.”
“It sounds pretty pessimistic, but in a world where the basic premise of climate change is under constant attack, scientists have begun turning to extreme scenarios to make their point crystal clear.”