
I’m starting to think there is some payola from Anker happening.

I’m starting to think there is some payola from Anker happening.

That vacuum was only listed on Amazon starting about three weeks ago on February 23rd so I doubt you’ve been waiting that long.

That vacuum was only listed on Amazon starting about three weeks ago on February 23rd so I doubt you’ve been waiting

The live blog crew went all-in on Taylor from the beginning. She was the only one who didn’t get a standing ovation. They hated the way she clapped. They didn’t like the way she congratulated Ed Sheeran. She was acting fake when other people won.

I know it’s not cool on here to like taylor, but damn clover did she kill your dog or something? You are salty as fuck.

If you guys call me little bitch thirteen or fourteen more times...

“A team member’s parent told the Baltimore Sun that their kid watched an eight-minute video on the phone after finding it.”

Dalton's comment was soulless

“Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.”

So other than a huge advantage you see no other advantage?

ESPN gets in bed with DraftKings.

“ESPN master control’s screwup—which was nothing more than a screwup in Bristol”

No mention how it also skewered the white male led outrage culture that is Gawker’s raison d'etre?

You must be fun at parties

Yeah, but this whole thing borders on an act of God. Just a series of unfortunate events that happened to occur right as she publicly announced her transition.

Nothing says, “This is credible!” like a lawsuit instead of going to the police.


- Josh Gordon

“Is Joe Flacco a [sic] ELITE Quaterback [sic]?”


“Largely” conducted by people? Is there a NASCAR-driving giraffe I don’t know about?

Are we supposed to be surprised Dustin Johnson would blow that chance?