Groucho was right

Starring LiHam Neeson.

This sounds like Taken but with a pig.

Nic Cage has the most fascinating career. Courses will be taught on how he managed to pull his mainstream image, in tatters, out of a flopsie, Mainstream-Family-Friendly tailspin thanks, in no small part, to the bizarre-yet-awesome-yet-wait-what-the-fuck-Herzog “Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans” and parlay

I actually think the X-Factor Investigations run in the aughts was his best (spoiler - I have a Madrox tattoo), but let’s not forget the best thing he ever did, after bad plotting and art left Rick Jones inside a Skrull ship during the Hulk run:

Now all we need is Joe Fixit!

Interesting you mention Loki / Q, as Peter David’s Star Trek books were the best Q had ever been.

Peter David is great and one of the more underrated superhero writers.

Thor: 4 Play


I’m absolutely jazzed for Thor and the next GOTG, and while I’m sad that Scott Derrickson exited Doctor Strange, I’m definitely curious what we’ll get from Sam Raimi.

Ragnarok is likely my favorite MCU flick. This one can't come soon enough. 

While watching, as an ex-Muslim, I kept thinking “this may be the first time I am watching Muslim men just being bros on prime tv”, it was a thing of beauty and I am glad they actually referred to it and made it a part of Behrad’s personality.

Only one of the upcoming slate that I’m jazzed about.

Sarah Jessica Parker

This episode had a fantastic ending. Not only did we get the reveal that Mick is the one pregnant, but we now have a way to swap between Zari 1.0 and 2.0 as the plot necessitates. I was wondering why the writers kept revisiting Zari 1.0 throughout the season, and this is a great payoff. This may be the development I’m

Yes. Other than the occasional over the top wackiness, nothing is really working for me.

I’m just gonna start posting on popular posts since nothing else works so...

Anyone else thoroughly meh-ed out by this series as a whole? I was so excited when I first heard about this show but barring the first episode, almost all the episodes have been disappointing for me.

There were some great moments in this one, but overall this is definitely the worst show they’ve put out on D+ (that

I always felt like that illustrated the difference between his alien and human sides - Jor-El says “it is forbidden for you to interfere in human history”, but Jonathan Kent says “one things I do know, son, is that you are here for a reason.” Supes chooses his human father’s advice over his alien’s, and it’s one of

FYI - Superman doesn’t reverse time by making the planet spin backward. He flies faster than the speed of light, and the planet going backward is a visual representation of time reversing.