Groucho was right

My issue with Mandolorian as space western is that all the mysticism around “the way” is frankly dumb.  Boba Fett was a cool bounty hunter who wore armor for protection and a helmet to breathe / also for protection.  The idea that he’s connected to some honor society that doesn’t permit showing your face is just

There is no comparison-the shows are completely different and trying to accomplish different things.

The show has two modes: fetch quest and “save a village.””

It’s not simply that they’re different. Maybe the comparisons are unfair. Maybe they’re not. But Andor is a better series, period. Not because of its genre. It’s a better show for the kind of show it is than Mando is for the kind of show it is. You can have a “space western” that’s actually good. This show isn’t that.

Add this to the pile of thing Andor ruined: filming on the Volume as opposed to actual locations. God, this whole show has such a dull and ugly visual palette, even seeing those screenshots up there reminded me of how washed-out the whole thing looks.

Let’s go back to the article last week about whether or not “Andor” will make “The Mandalorian” look even worse.

“Tough guy protecting young innocent gradually softens.”

You’re not.  It’s dull.  I actually think the Boba Fett episodes of Mandalorian were the best ones.

Agree.  I find it mildly entertaining most of the time.  Occasionally better, occasionally worse.  But it’s stunningly simplistic and unambitious, which is the polar opposite of Andor.  

Rebels and Clone Wars were aimed at younger audiences, but they at least had coherent (if simplistic) narratives and character arcs. I watched a whole lot of Clone Wars over my kids’ shoulders when they were younger, and while I wasn’t particularly excited by it, it seemed fine. I assume Rebels is along the same lines.

You’re not the only one.

I’m not usually a hater, but I never, ever understood the passion folks have for this one.

Mando is flying by on the Clone Wars effect — a few great episodes sticking in memory and plenty of mediocre to bad ones. Truth is, BoBF’s premiere had more viewers than Mando S2's finale did. BoBF’s finale had the exact same viewers as its premiere.

by the nature of the statement, it is literally the shows problem. 

Still waiting for Mando to be “good stuff” 

It’s a hard thing to weight into. The sexism of superhero fans and the internet seems incredibly obvious; it’s a thing that clearly exists. That said, they also haven’t made a good female superhero movie yet.

I’d really like to have one I could point to and rub in the faces of various angry sexists, but it’s not


Hoe so? He makes great movies.

The backspace key on his keyboard must be broken. He had no choice but to leave it in once he typed it.

I don’t think he’s sorry.