Groucho was right


I just watched this again. Never a better ass kick (and also love letter) to every courtroom drama trope.

Checked her LinkedIn page. Relax everyone, she’s legit. For example, from Jan 2006 to March 2016 she was IT Specialist/Help Deak at Millennium Servicea... spelling errors included and not my own. It’s that kind of attention to detail that gets you to the big chair beside Rudy “melting” Giuliani.

Mostly... Seeing as his first script for Star Wars encompassed parts of Empire and Return of the Jedi, he had at least some idea... but things like Vader being Luke’s dad, Leia his sister? Yeah, not in the cards until time came to make those movies. This Lucas planned thing is an easy “nuh-uh” if you’ve read even one

I read a lot of Ennis back in the 90s, 00s, and while I liked Preacher, especially the surprising take on the best friend love triangle trope that was absolutely gut churning to read (in a good way, somehow) between Cassidy, Tulip, and Jesse, I was never a big fan of The Boys because it just seemed overly mean,

We’re probably not going to make it. Had troubles before this started. Had an upswing with all the together time with our daughter, now the old troubles have resurfaced. It’s been good, bad, ugly, hard as fuck. Gotta get up and smile and make breakfast and teach our daughter stuff and and and... Yeah, we’re probably

This show. Goddamn. Bat shit crazy, heartbreaking, top notch writing and performances. Easily the best CW show and I love that it’s an underdog, just like they are.

Holy crap in a basket built for crap. This is crapbasktastic! Thanks for the tip, it’s truly amazing.


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I snagged a copy off of SpankBang, the king of sites for people who don’t want to “pay for it”, and I still haven’t been able to finish it.

I KNOW. So many options off the idea and he reverts to old tropes to link to, really, in the context of the new trilogy, an old gag with Palpatine and lineage and jesusfuckingCHRIST.

Super duper agree... and this should be said as well— Johnson is a goddamn class act compared to Abrams and Markey. He has never, not once, said anything disparaging about either TFA or ROS, and yet he’s had to endure this bullshit from Abrams, Markey, and even, strangely, some of the cast during the ramp up to ROS’

You know, in a perfect world it would be amazing to see this opening in Brandon Routh’s schedule be filled with... a return to Superman! Give him a real chance to shine again and bust out that big, happy Superman grin as he saves the day. His age now is way more suited to what it should’ve been when Superman Returns

In a similar vein (the one where I have my heroin drip), Luke screaming all the way down the shaft, after he rejects Vader’s offer and jumps from the platform, makes it seem less like a brave choice to me and more like he slipped and is shocked to be falling. It’s the little things about those special editions, almost

I missed seeing it in the theatre, was just the right age to see Star Wars when that came out though, but I sure as balls remember seeing the commercials for Jaws on TV. I was TERRIFIED of the water for a long time based off those ads alone.

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I came here to say this. It is honestly one of the funniest things ever in cinema and so unexpected. I can’t think about this movie, which I did dig, without thinking about the ten seconds of it that keeps making me laugh today.

Hey! Can all you fired/soon to be fired/sorry to hear that all this madness is going on to you fine types types please link arms with the Splinternews turfed gang, form your own super thang and let me know pronto so I can give you a million clicks a day plus advertizzment visits by the pant load? I’ve been googling

Technically he bends to knees to everyone.

100% agree. I met and worked with Corey Haim just a few years before his “comeback” (that is, the show he did with Feldman, which in itself was sad, desperate, and ultimately fuelled the rest of his decline)— He mentioned the abuse, the secret not-so-secret teen club that some of the kid stars of the day (Tina Yothers

this a thousand times this. End all contact. End them. Choke em out with a glaring wall of silence. When they speak their bullshit, crowd em out until they squeak. Every single time I read about another woman having to quit something she loves because of the quintuple standards of the gatekeepers and hangers on, I