
Can we just move on from this and get to more pressing matters? Such as, what will Trump do if the family members of the turkey he pardons this week don’t pay him enough respect afterwards?

I thought the last 10 months would have been sufficient warning about the dangers of replacing a competent black man with an inexperienced and unqualified white guy, but here we are again.

Right? I mean, he played like butt last game (as did pretty much everyone), but statistically he’s pretty much on pace for the same stats he’s had every year in Buffalo: 3,000 yards, 20 TDs, 6 INTs, 90 QBR. If they don’t think that’s enough, fine, but it’s not like he’s playing significantly worse since they signed

It’s Buffalo and upstate NY mate. You don’t have to stretch too hard for the reason. The same fans backing this move probably wanted a “pocket passer” like Glennon in the offseason

No, that is not what a President is supposed to do — lobby and advocate for people committing crimes that are even illegal in your own country.

Even after reading all the greys about gun violence in the Steve Kerr article, your comment is the dumbest thing I have read on the internet in a great while.

What exactly is your profession so that I can actively ignore your opinion on everything else?

Pop is a vet and therefore much more qualified to talk about guns than the vast majority of people in congress.

Have you ever given your opinion on a matter unrelated to your profession? Have you ever given your opinion on a coach’s decision, a politician’s platform, a tax plan, an actor’s range, or a geopolitical issue? Surely you’re not an expert on these matters, so maybe you should stay in your lane too.

Just want to point out, again, that the NCAA rendered its decision on Beverly on the same day it simpered to North Carolina’s horseshit reversal, and threats to sue, over the legitimacy of the no-show classes propping up the eligibility of its revenue-sport athletes.

A player ineligible because he went to class, and

If your knee jerk reaction to every shooting is to worry more about your toys than the shattered lives of your fellow Americans, you might suck as a human being.

No. You’re missing the point. The point is that nobody, and I mean nobody, needs to be able to buy an AR.

I share your concern, but at least this one seems to generally be related to the dehumanization of people of color, not just to stick it to 45.

but this kneeling is only slightly related to the original kneeling. There was kneeling about police brutality, then about doing it to prove it could be done, and now it’s becoming a way to protest an idiot owner. We’re creeping closer and closer to the kneeling-cause-of-the-week.

It still amazes me, after the DOJ sued Trump for racial discrimination twice, after his birther crusade, after everything he’s said and done about the Central Park 5, after he launched his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and murderers, after he basically proposed “war crimes against Muslims” as his foreign

We probably should not be humoring your idiocy, but what exactly is the supermarket going to do with those goods? Are they going to sell old bread and milk when they reopen after the flood?

Holy crap is this a nuclear take. Does it occur to you, oh paragon of the Free Market, that a supermarket has already written off its entire stock? If the power’s out for as long as it has been the entire damn inventory is no longer able to be sold, it would be thrown out either way. But hey someone somewhere is

That’s way too complicated to clean and operate. Try using that to make 3 or 4 cocktails at a time you’ll come to hate how intricate it is because you’ll spend decades cleaning it. You also lose alot of functionality with that design vs your traditional boston shaker style setup ( which is what most bartenders

That’s way too complicated to clean and operate. Try using that to make 3 or 4 cocktails at a time you’ll come to

Or go the other route where you miss the big kick at the end of the Super Bowl, which unlocks new gameplay that allows you to become a woman who rises to the position of police captain, all the while planning an overly-complicated scheme to steal your old team’s mascot, while simultaneously avoiding a local lunatic

This has been too long coming. This country should never have tolerated the symbols of the Confederacy after the war. These statues and the battle flag have become so romanticized and bastardized that the people who praise them don’t even know what they actually stood for.