Because without that penalty, the game would devolve into a hackfest anytime the ball got anywhere near the goal.
Because without that penalty, the game would devolve into a hackfest anytime the ball got anywhere near the goal.
I came away from Free Solo with a very different take on Honnold. But, I agree that he’ll probably die on a rock.
Di Maria won the 2014 Champions League Final for Real, damn near carried Argentina to the 2014 World Cup until he was hurt, and he destroyed Real on Match Day 1.
Saw a tweet last week that said Di Maria had taken Robben’s place as the most underappreciated player in soccer and I agree totally.
Honestly, based on the highlights it looked like Di Maria bossed that game.
Sounds like perfect weather for a prestigious quadrennial soccer tournament!
Ridiculously un-athletic (compared to everyone else on the field) QBs pick up first downs routinely, and (rarely) punters/kickers have managed to as well, and their success rate in attempting them is not that bad. Further, being able to squirt through the line and falling forward for a few feet is possible if your…
He didn’t mention the one mile two hour backup leading up to the park.
Not all anti-fascists are out there trying to run around finding fascists to beat up. Many are simply saying “hey, we’re against fascism.”
Just like you said, The troops are already sucked off at every opportunity by the big 4 sports leagues in North America. This is all just cowardice by some craven conservatives at the top of the MLS food chain.
Trying to play devil’s advocate, would you like it if veiled conservative mantras (that nobody opposes in their literal meaning but that clearly mean something else) were banned like “Blue/All lives matter” (AKA black lives dont matter), “GOD bless America” (AKA we’re a Christian country), “Support our troops” (AKA…
So we’re all agreed then: VAR is a good thing and that handball rule sucks,
hey, another anti-VAR Deadspin article! This one making a strained cancer-cold analogy. It’s funny that as more and more people and pundits are coming around on VAR and realizing that the real problem is vague or poorly worded rules Deadspin keeps digging in. If only they had something new to say instead of rehashing…
Yes, I recall the halcyon days of yesteryear when there were no weekly controversies in soccer based on disputed handballs and offsides calls.
thats not how english clubs work though, over there they don’t do ‘expansion teams’. there actually probably is a team crammed into every nook and cranny of london (some that aren’t in the PL for example: queens park rangers, leyton orient, fulham, charlton athletic, milwall, AFC Wimbledon, bromley, Dagenham &…
Those cops are pieces of shit. Who the fuck looks on the hood of a car and thinks “that must be cocaine”? Not bird shit or anything else , but coke?
Field tests are insanely unreliable when it comes to false positives, and there’s a good reason for this - cops don’t care about false positives AT ALL, all they care about are false negatives, because a false positive lets them arrest and charge you, then when it turns out the test was wrong, they let you go no harm…
I believe that is inaccurate. I think City has “matching rights“ which means Dortmund has to inform them,when they receive an offer and they don't have to offer more. So Dortmund can still negotiate the fee and 85% of 100 million+ is still a lot of money.
There I was, behind center for the Buffalo Bills. What madness led to this I had no time to ponder. As the supple leather of the ball slid into my hand, I took one step back, then two, then three. As I surveyed the field for potential recipients, I saw an outside linebacker charging like an angry rhino directly at my…