Dr. Rosenpenis

Watching a guy consistently exceed 100 mph is fun as hell.

As a Cubs fan, I do not care unless it affects his ability or availability to pitch. There is a legal system in place in this country to oversee such matters; it’s none of my concern.

Vedder was awesome.

Eh with two outs, you let him hit. With a guy on third and one out, that’s a different discussion.

Location goes before velocity, Buster.

Much scarier to see this happen to a coach than player. No helmet or pads, much older, in far worse physical shape than a player. Hope it’s nothing too serious.

Well then you go sit in the corner and think about what you’ve done.

What about the other two in the boat? Or is their death not as important since they weren’t star athletes?

Wait how do you know that? All major news outlets are reporting that it is currently unknown who was piloting (not driving, it’s a boat, not a car) the boat, yet you seem to be definitively stating that one of the other two men was at the helm.

I am not one to get bent out of shape over team nicknames such as the Redskins, or logos like Chief Wahoo. That’s between the teams and, you know, actual Native Americans.

It seems like you are the one adding the whole “regarding women in relation to men” theme.

Holy shit, you are a giant blubbering drama queen.

Uh, who is is saying that mothers, sisters, girlfriends aren’t actual people? What does this even mean??

Why not?

Tomlin is going Friday, Kluber on Saturday.

It was not a terrible decision. It was a risky decision made by Maddon and the FO, and it has paid off this far. To call it a terrible decision is ridiculous.

Jill Stein.

We matter ? WE? Only “we”??

Lance Broadway.

Give me the World Series. Even though this team appears to be set up to contend for the foreseeable future, you never know what tomorrow may bring.