
You are 100% correct. And I am a parent, a single parent for the last 11 years to boot, with two teen girls whose dad moved around the world two years ago. I also spent the last couple of years having the rest of my life fall completely apart. One day, in the depths of a severe depression, fear, hopelessness and

This non-parent-but-daughter-of-a-man-who-made-me-and-my-brother-his-entire-emotional-support-system EMPHATICALLY agrees.

I agree. I like to quote my mother who used to say “show me a child who has a mother for a best friend and I’ll show you a bad mother.”

Especially given that the majority of them are just entering their teens. Odds are at least one of them is going to give mom a really hard time in the coming years.

“They’re the best friends I’ve ever had. Nobody in my life has ever stood by me more.”

It is a personal experience, but it’s one that a lot of women are made to feel guilty about. It’s portrayed often as an elective procedure even when it’s done for valid medical reasons, but more than that, it’s seen as a failure to perform one of the most fundamental rites of womanhood without assistance. Which is all

Not a fan of Kate Hudson, but this isn’t so bad, but I can see why so many people would be upset. she probably meant her c section was unnecessary, unlike some women who would die or suffer tremendously if they didn’t get a c section.

OMG STIRRUP PANTS. “I want to have faux cankles, thank you so much”

Oh man, flashbacks to wearing stirrups pants as a kid. I remember them never being as fitted as the ones in that photo. Then when we’d outgrow them, my mom would cut the stirrup part off so that the stirrup wouldn’t pull our pants down.

My first thought “They can fuck off with stirrup pants!”

Are those stirrup pants with the red heels? I’m fine with leggings but I draw the line at stirrup pants.

“after refusing to violate hospital policy”

Maybe she laughed at him?

Here’s my moment to say: you don’t “need” a special dog breed to be a family pet. If you have allergies, or have sheep to herd, or need a hunting animal or whatever ok fine. But if you just want something to love and be loved by, there is no better place to find that friend than your local shelter. Every pet we’ve had

I happened upon a husky mix 5 years ago and after several weeks of searching for her home with no luck, decided to keep her. She is the sweetest dog but Jesus is she hard work. They’re escape artists and runners and will not stop. After an entire year of obedience school and a real-time GPS collar, we’re a lot

Sidewalk etiquette? Dude has plenty of room, as mentioned. Also she’s walking on an angle to give him more room. As a frequently disgruntled jogger who wishes the world would put more effort into sidewalk etiquette, I feel pretty confident he just wanted to push a woman in front of a bus.

I headed to the comments to say the same thing.

Bran wakes from a trance: “...I have Bird Flu.”

Women, typically are different because they fall to acknowledge the symptoms because they don't have time to deal with it - kids to to get to school, clean house, dinner, groceries, party planning