
The joke was on him. Only 43 of them worked. ......*ducks from spitballs*

Yes! Thank you! I was thinking that too. I don't care what she was doing to set him off, but there's NEVER a time that this is okay and the aide should have pulled him aside and had him cool down as soon as things escalated. As soon as he raised his voice he lost control.

And thanks! :-)

Yep! I love them too. She has the softest velvety ears.

OMG He's gorgeous! I love his markings.

This is my Calliope (Callie). She's a mixed breed, but the sweetest dog I've ever known.

I really hope the next one is for eye surgery and someone sends an honorary copy to Joss Whedon to video his reaction. ;-)

That was Intel's backup slogan.

It's almost as if they think menstrual blood will infect their man parts and they will get cramps.

Yep, with him being a newspaper person, that would mean being actively involved in pushing out Nazi propaganda.

Tell him he done good. That was some tough, realistic gunfight action going on there, very impressive. :-D

Yes! Thank you! That's what I was thinking at the end: "You mean you'll sacrifice a healthy young woman who IS immune, for a CHANCE that it would produce a vaccine even though you've tried before with others and it didn't work?!?" That's pretty shitty and self-righteous logic there.

On the contrary, I think it would be the most fun flight EVER to sit next to Lindy on a plane. We would try everything on the snack cart with no judgment and we could trade amusing stories about life and how silly celebrities are.

Seriously, if Adele's stylist or makeup person came out with a line of products I would buy up one of every last one of them.

Exactly. "Nice Guys" have the unrealistic expectation that if they do something "nice" that it's some form of currency and that they have paid for your genital touching and now you are obligated to pay up.

Unfortunately for the average person, good luck protesting it.

O.M.G. Now I know that future humans will invent a time machine that looks like a space ship and crash in Roswell. They are future scientists doing research on "ancient humans" the way we look at Neanderthal men. The markings found at the crash site looked just like emoticons....Now I am wondering what will happen

The heck with you jagoffs, in Pittsburgh it's called "pop".

Reminds me of the ballroom scene in Firefly where Fannie tells Kaylie that her dress looked like it was bought in a store. I wonder if the general who told off Fannie would be considered a tank...

Haha I can only imagine what the dungeons and bosses must be like. Do you get achievements for giving a snooty rival a good comeuppance?