
Disney Research-Pittsburgh?!?! How did I not know about this?!?! I'm looking this one up.

There was this one time I was in Tamriel and I swore there was a dragon that was going to fly over the hillside.... (just kidding)

SOB! I know! (gives Eldritch a virtual hug) *sniff* *sniff*

Shut your mouth! Sexy Gizmo?!?

I totally wanna get one and crochet some hair and some puppet eyes to it and walk downtown with a camera for a while....

I love the part where Sam says "I love you, Furby. Do you love me?" and the Furby says "I think you're funny."...... then Sam strangles him a la Homer and Bart Simpson. xD

"Awww, I KNEW I should have stayed home from school today!!!"

Did they ever say in that episode who was behind putting the roman soldiers and Rorey there?

+1 hearted. :) BTW, I found it highly amusing that "Satan" is one of your followers.....then again if I hearted you, what does that make me? o.O

God bless you, Lane. This is an awesome story. I would have loved hearing some of the stories from the Drag Queens too. The irony is that a lot of Queens are absolute experts at makeup and probably know a lot more about how types of makeup work for a person's features than some of the Mary Kay saleswomen.

LOL Everyone who replied didn't answer your question. They died of a lung infection. In other words, pneumonia.


Easiest and fastest solution ever: flush and poop in the swirl. It takes the smell away immediately and gives you about a minute of sound cover. If anyone is rude enough to call you out on it, just ask them if they'd prefer you do it at their desk instead because that's what a bathroom is there for.

Or better yet, how about providing them better educational choices and another option from either being a burden in their parents' house or being treated like dirt by their spoiled-brat husbands?

Yep, I got a paragraph in after wiping the tears from giggling like an idiot, then looked up to confirm that Lindy has produced another masterpiece. You are awesome, you comedic genius. Thank you.

"life-saving intercourse".... I LOL'ed. x-D

I've been working in IT for over ten years now and the male-dominated field really brings out the best and worst of people when it comes to gender and people skills. I have to say that I'm really kicking myself for not seeing this sooner because I've always felt it, but this REALLY explains a lot.

HA!! This is the best post I've read in a LOOOOONG time! Thank you!

Actually, I think it shows evolution at its most basic form. Babies have been created by the alpha male by the hit-and-run weakness in women being horny too. Babies have been created by the caring smart guy during the longer stretch of time because women don't want the responsibility and cost of raising a child by

Am I the only one that finds it amusingly ironic that the journal that this was published in is "PNAS"? x-D