
I mean, he admitted that he did it with that disgusting book he wanted to publish. The problem with OJ actually swung too far the other way - star-struck cops who let him get away with stuff no other murder suspect would have been allowed to get away with.

This sounds so insanely cool!!!

So curious about what “design the islands for my mermaid project” means..

Some people just have the genes to eat like this, and she seems like one of them. I know they exist because my sister is one - seriously has a supermodel style body and eats like a frat boy. It sucks and makes me jealous, but they are out there.

Tom Hardy, I love you so much, please take the sunglasses off you look like a douche. Love your internet girlfriend.

Thank you! I will! :)

I don’t know how “Badzuizm” got changed to “Radium” in my comment above.

I love this!

This is especially ridiculous because she says the first time he raped her he DRUGGED her and she woke up the next morning naked and in pain with no memory of what had happened. When exactly was she meant to videotape that???

Also, I have not seen mentioned in most of the coverage that Sony offered to let her record her albums without working with Dr. Luke - she fears that if she takes that offer, they won’t be promoted as heavily. So this is also not a case of Sony forcing her to work with her abuser - it’s Sony wanting her to honor her

I mean, you’re kind of talking about two different scenarios, though? Adele’s sound was screwed up, not her fault. Taylor missed a note, which is her fault. Seems natural to be more upset about that.

I’m making a burner just to ask this, since Jez seems like a place that might have good info. Has anyone here ever done fisting? Did you like it? Did it require a lot of research / preparation / whatever? My boyfriend and I want to try it but have no idea what we’re doing.