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    Yeah, I'm close to checking out. It's pretty much the same show every week at this point - with no real consequences. Shame, because Veronica Mars is an all time Top 10 for me.

    Thank you for summing up my feelings Caroline - although I came away with a more negative overall opinion. A gross show, highlighted by the fact that the only people who seem to have enjoyed it are the worst types of cis male white dudebros and nerds.

    Oh yeah and let's blow this whole 'feminist' Joss thing out of the water and stop the hand wringing over why he left Twitter. I wasn't even focusing on it and I found like 50 toxic things i noted down in AoU. So if he was forced off Twitter maybe, just maybe, there's a reason for that. Just a selection:

    Even worse than the first Avengers which was the most childish, boring action movie I've seen in years. Boom boom bang pow. It was Michael Bay level.

    Almost all of these managed to make me mad - although some were thankfully funny - but there was none worse than the guy who was all 'I apologise on behalf of my gender…"

    Wow, that hair and those glasses. You go gurrl. Queen. I love the color.

    QUEEN. Can't wait to see this.

    Jenn lives off an $8million trust fund, while pretending to be 'no collar'. She's a pampered, little princess with no knowledge of her privilege.

    As is the theme of this excellent review, check your privilege. If she says it happened, it happened unless we find out otherwise.

    Mock the problem instead of discussing it and fixing it. Sure.

    Wow…sounds delightful and not at all yuck.

    This was a great episode

    Wow. MRA hate speech 101. Belittling? Ballbusting? You mean not bowing to every whim? Masculinity is so toxic.

    Wow, this hit me like a tonne of bricks.

    Oh great, Entourage 2. Gross.