
It wasn't hacked. Someone normally authorized to use the account was drunk again.

As long as the Eye remembers to eat an apple so he looks like even more of an asshole, I know this show has its priorities straight.

Kong's not a monkey, you racist son of a bitch.

Featuring music from Van Morrison, who shares a birthday with Milo and all three of his twins.

She looks pretty 25 from the neck down. I feel obliged to point that out.

It serves the same purpose in the grand scheme of things.

My esteem for Axe is approximately the same as my esteem for the body spray of the same name.

"Meesa doin' some bad-bad tings for money, but now meesa too old for inna dat, an' dey mekkin meesa clown now."

Babies taste best, and she hates that he knows that.

So Jianyu is the scarecrow, Chidi's the lion, Tahani is the woodsman who can't really love, Michael's the secretly impotent wizard, and Eleanor is the one who shouldn't be there. Got it.

Krieger's still going to be a Nazi, right?

Your uncle will just tell you all the fact-checkers work for George Soros.

2016 television got a whole lot of music wrong.

Stumpy Dreifuss might have something to say about that.

What an aggressively stupid show! Whatever you do, kill strangers! Otherwise, they'll do to you what you plan on doing to them!

Ed Harris has not been able to dunk a regulation ball for at least five years.

False. His tiny hands are incapable of gripping a baseball bat.


Oh, look. It's Aaron Douglas being violent towards a woman in a movie or TV show. He's like a Canadian Gandolfini that way.

It's arguably the least violent of the deaths shown in the episode. We actually SAW the old host get shot, and a POV of being eaten alive isn't exactly pleasant.