The Clown Under Your Bed

Hate to say it, but I’d probably call some of those 3rd party voters goat-fuckers too, in certain states. They might not have voted FOR Trump, but they sure as hell didn’t make their vote against him count in a way that would have actually cost him the election, did they?

You want to complain! Look at these shoes. I’ve only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through

I know we all love to joke about shitty old white guys and their dick pills (and the time Rush Limbaugh was caught with a suitcase full of dick pills on his way to the Bahamas to fuck children), but many service members need them because of various side effects of serving; stress, PTSD and physical damage. I’m not

You may not understand the transgender experience but that does not mean you can negate the validity of a trans person’s medical needs.

Also, must be said, these people put their lives on the line in a very literal way, same as every serviceperson. Even if it was some sort of substantial burden (which it is not), pay for their fucking transition. It’s the fucking least we can do as a nation.

I’m rooting for “violently shitting himself to death on live tv” personally.

I don’t know it it will be “deeply” concerned, unless some white people die in the storm. And then it would have to be rich white people. But they just move to their other houses during hurricane season. So Republicans, some of them, will be concerned, and might deign to make a sad face. You know, like Paul Ryan’s sad

I don’t know how to check on my comments. Do you get notifications of upvotes or recommendations at Kinja? I’ve published 4 or five replies, but when I looked up my status is says I have zero publications. It’s good to see a lot of you folks came over. I just don’t know how to follow a thread here. So, yeah, still

You jest, but you are absolutely correct. He’s utterly self-centered. The only thing he thinks about—the ONLY thing—is how whatever happens affects, involves, has to do with, compliments, insults, or deals with Donald Trump. He’s more selfish than my fucking toddler, and she can be a real asshole sometimes. I am

Not long after he was inaugurated, I remember saying aloud, “Somebody should assassinate him.” My wife was horrified. She’s almost as much of a hippie dipshit liberal as I am, but she couldn’t believe the venom coming out of my mouth.

He really does make me wish I believed in hell.

I’ve recently been reminded of an old joke.

Nothing in life would ever make me happier than to see this man (and everyone even remotely similar to him, or worse) suffer for every awful thing they’ve done. I don’t care if it’s by karma, some divine intervention, just stupid coincidental dumb luck - if Trump doesn’t someday get what he deserves for being a

Pop a vein already, you fucking crook.

So, first off, Donald Trump is an asshole.

You just know this shit is on the cover of every ISIS recruitment pamphlet.

The seating is: Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right.

“I’m jus’ a grey-ve yard ghost.”

That’s Kinja’s slogan.

Trump is president, the AV Club is unreadable, Twitter is an abyss, everything sucks.