
Haha, are you serious?

Every Compelling Character In The Entire Trilogy Is Male”

If humans on Earth are wiped out, a few humans on Mars are not going to save the species. They would have their hands full just surviving. Spend the money on ways to divert asteroids (and possibly harvest them) rather than colonizing Mars. And any probable plague or whacko dictator will leave many more survivors on

Actually your LTE phone was designed and developed in the early 90’s when I was at Nortel. We used LTE handsets to communicate across the plant :)

I don’t understand why it is worse to lose a robot and the money it took to send it to Mars, but fine to lose a human life and the vastly greater amount of money it took to send that person to Mars.

Oh I realize that, I just meant more rhetorically that no one is talking about moving to Mars because it would actually be better than living on earth. It’s like proposing that we solve overcrowding and advance science by building a vast fleet of submarines for people to live on board. There may be reasons for

I’m the one that’s awake, my friend. It is you that lives in a dreamworld. Yours is a pretty depressing dreamworld, too, I might add. Cheer up a bit!

Not to correct you, but we’re currently conversing solely due to investments in technology that was meant to prove our superiority to Russia. The fantastical dream of humans in space is also a direct result of that pissing contest, yet we somehow continue to delude ourselves that we went into space for scientific

I’ve met and came to know many people who worked at McMurdo station and the South Pole, and the logistics of going to Mars, surviving while there, and returning anything to Earth are probably a dozen orders of magnitude more risky and complex than doing the same in Antarctica. You’re right about the concepts being

If you are just bragging about your bravery because you don’t have to put your life on the line for real, I get that. If you are actually suicidal, please seek help. 1 (800) 273-8255

It would be easier to launch a human Mars mission from the bottom of the ocean than from the moon. Obama scrapped the idiotic moon base because there was a danger money might be spent on it. No danger that money will be wasted on a Mars mission. But Obama is a politician who is not free to speak the truth: humans on

Bracing and uncomfortable, and I want to disagree, but I think you ultimately may be right.

Why not spend the money we would use sending humans to Mars to develop AI robots who can do the job for us without needing air or water? Seriously, why is that not a better use of our money? Because of the romance of having humans on Mars?

Keep working on it NASA. Once the cost is under $1B round trip, the time to fly one way is under 10 weeks (and not critically dependent on Mars-Earth orbits), less than 10% of the payload is for fuel, and there’s 2 backup vessels, they we’ll consider it. Let’s call this 1-10-10-2. These are not scientifically

Oh lookie, moving the goal posts from “there were people who thought going to the Moon would be impossible, so Mars skeptics are all wrong” to “there were people who opposed the Apollo budget”. That’s a hell of a lot difference, amigo.

It showed up the Commies, which was all that mattered at the time.

Actually, you guess correctly. What benefit has it brought? If it was so worthwhile, why have we never returned in 40 years? Why hasn’t any other nation or company followed in those footsteps? The answer is that there was nothing there for us except for a fun place to run a few experiments and fetch a few hundred

Strawman. Going to Mars actually is pointless. Curing Cancer, reducing violent crime, helping people cope with economic disruption, etc are infinitely more important problems to solve.

Sending people to certain doom would do wonders for the human's spirits.

Getting to other habitable planets means developing technology for interstellar travel. Spending resources to develop life support tech for inhospitable planets does not help, it only diverts resources from developing tech that would help.