
When can we stop this annoying self-hatred trend? Seriously, almost every other “science” article is about how much humans suck.

How will these student athletes learn about accountability if coaches keep treating them like tots?

I agree. His last few big announcements over the years have been very lofty and abstract claims that rely too much upon other dimensions, universes, unobservable phenomena, and other concepts that have not themselves been shown to exist in the first place.

Maybe I’m freaky, but...

They would be oso good at space exploration. I think we’ve got a great idea a-bruin!

They’d face a pretty grizzly fate upon arrival at Mars, though

Hmmm, interesting argument. Lets do a thought exercise. This attack claims to be about Morality and making public something people want to hide that may be considered (by some at least) to be wrong. So in the case of Women, lets say they attacked the Planned Parenthood site, and published the name and information

I caught a mention for this site on a documentary and signed on to see what it was all about. Turns out it was expensive and not that interesting. I didn’t give them my cc details and I forget if I used a fake name or not but she’s smart, if she wants to see if I was on there she’s definitely going to find out. About

You missed the mark - if this was a list of women who had abortions that was leaked...

People who cheat on spouses: assholes

This is why I hate articles that would do better on Jezebel being posted onto different boards; it brings in people from Jezebel, and they act like this. Anybody who thinks slightly differently is a misogynist, and no amount of explanations will ever make them admit that maybe, just maybe, people can disagree with

How we treat women? It’s an article about a few people on the planet photoshopping a fat woman. I didn’t treat them like anything, the photoshoppers did. Project harder breh.

Yes, it’s not that anybody else’s opinion could ever be valid, it’s that every opinion except your own is due to misogyny.

How was anything he said mysoginistic? This is the nonstory faux outrage that Jezebel thrives on, and it has nothing to do with anybody’s gender.

Jalopnik's managed to avoid the taint, mostly.

Jalopnik is the last normal place left in the Kinja-verse.

Oh don’t worry, I don’t have a problem with female writers. I already said this in other comment. I actually like the articles female writers in IO9 write. But there has been a few articles that seem rather sensational there, that have really flimsy reasoning that I didn’t like, and they weren’t written by the female

Jezebel 2: Electric Boogaloo

You caught me. I hate women so much I married one. Just to make one woman suffer for as long as I can, since I clearly hate women.

You’re mistaking organizational standards for ideological zeal. And you’re making yourself look like a fucking dumbass.

I waver between INTJ and ENTJ in the officially administrated Myers Briggs corporate tests I’ve taken, based on if I’m feeling particularly outgoing or not, but lean more towards INTJ.

Good call, hahahaha.