
Honestly, I wish people would just wake up and realize that going to Mars is a dream, a fun dream, but totally pointless and a waste of time and money.

Ahh yes. The RS-25. Designed to fly multiple missions with the space shuttle will now be dumped in the ocean after a single use.

Going to mars on chemical rockets is stupid. We will not go to mars with this. We might loft heavy stuff into orbit. Just like we won’t go to mares in the Orion capsule. Because a year in a

To be honest, automatically assuming he is guilty and that there is no chance the female is doing any thing wrong is just as ass backward closed minded thinking as those that automatically blame her.

“This shouldn’t need to be said, but it probably does: it doesn’t matter if an alleged victim willingly goes home with someone, or if she’s all over the accused earlier in the night—none of that has anything to do with ultimate consent.”

See, that’s the thing about Gawker commenters: they have no sense of what the rest of the country (or world) is like. They thing they are the happy-medium, right in the middle, and that anyone right of them is rightwing. In reality, they are in the left-most 5% of the body politic, and are completely wrong about where

Christ they’re really desperately trying to get an audience largely sick of Clara after 2 years to suddenly like her now. “Look she’s got a Stinger” (that’s what it looks like) but who cares as they’ve already fucked it by having her act as an unlikeable, egotistical mess with a victim complex.

Wouldn’t the search for the origins of life be better served by looking for instances where building blocks become life rather than the search for the building blocks of the building blocks which can be created by so many scenarios where energy meets matter?

Needs more apologizing.

Great. More Gawker-related hobophobia.

Plus those boots. Fuck them.

THIS. The only way this story could’ve been more insufferable is if somebody made a “500 Days of HitchBOT” series out of it.

Forgot one.

I try not to be a dick; lord, science I try. But this was my inference. The article literally says nothing that anyone would expect this article to say.

These are all questions that a good article would have answered.

Gawker has truly devolved into a shitshow ...

Aww, come on. The constant golf hate makes me sad. I’m a competitive golfer and one of the best things about the last year or two is how many of my friends have come to love the game, no matter how much skill they have. It’s really a great game if you can get past the “Old Rich White Man” stereotype.