
Actually most questions were answered n the linked article.

There are several questions here.

What is a “UI football graduate assistant”?

How much you want to bet the player perps are conservative whitey nut jobs or cops?

Ask Betamax.

So Carlos Aguilar and Josh Laurito did all the work and analysis and you’re claiming it as your own?

Okay, thanks.

How come when I reply to you Assange’s name comes up?

The article attributes this to Assange at the top, is the entirety of this post written by Assange or just the italicized paragraph at the top? And if not, who wrote it?

So you agree with me?

It's gawker media. It's getting so you can't tell the difference between the major blogs.

Nobody wants to call him out on his bullshit because he's ill and in a wheelchair.

Did the real JA post this? And if so, why would you give an exclusive like this to a fucked up celebrity gossip website?

That isn’t what I said at all. Obviously, you are not familiar with the term “JTS”.

Hawking has officially jumped the shark.

No, the court ruled that the detainment of the individual was excessive and Therefore effectedan arrest at some point in the detainment. The cops didn’t have reasonable cause for the arrest nor reasonable suspicion for the search. The suspect wasn’t advised of their right to remain silent so their approval of the

Cops can detain you for a reasonable amount of time, 20 minutes or so. During this time the cops can put you in cuffs, for safety or because the suspect may flee, and not technically put you under arrest. So we’re talking about what happens after that detainment period. According to the SC, anytime you do not

From my research acop can legally detain you for up around 20 minutes if there is reasonable suspicion (not cause) a crime, even a misdemeanor, has occurred. They can use that time to question you (you don’t have to respond) check your id for ouststandings and check your vehicle for registration and insurance. After

Publishing this story without revealing the names is highest form of chicken shit journalism.

If they publish the names how can they use them for blackmail?